Lemongrass Oil and Its Truly Special Healing Properties Explained!

Lemongrass oil may be commonly known to people who already use it for cooking or flavoring their tea. Meanwhile there could be those that don't really have an idea what it looks like or the number of the ways in which it may improve their life. No matter which group you find yourself with you'll want to know as much as you can about lemon grass oil and how it can help you. This essential oil can work its magic in a number of different ways.

What Is Lemongrass Oil And How Do They Get It:
The lemon grass oil comes from a tall, grassy plant often used in landscaping as an oriental grass. It has found use as a medicine in traditional cultures in India, Malaysia, the Philippines and other warm climates of the east, for centuries. It has a citrus odor and works as a natural bug repellent in many gardens and homes, as well as being a decorative feature. There are over 55 species of the Cymbopogon but it is the citratus from which Lemongrass oil is extracted. It is done by way of steam distillation and the resulting liquid is a rich amber color and has a sweet aroma to it. There are many ways people have used it for its health benefits.

How Is It Good For You?
First, if you are planning on ingesting essential lemon grass oil you want to make sure to properly dilute it. This will insure that you get the best results from all the ways it can boost your health. When ingested in a tea it can be found to help stabilize hormones while providing a boost to your immune system. Lemongrass oil has natural diuretic properties when taken orally as well and some people enjoy using lemon grass for cooking or seasoning food.

The very versatile lemongrass finds itself useful as both a pesticide and a natural preservative which is part of the reason it's so popular. It can be used as bath oil for added relaxation and ease of tension and many have used it as a soak for their hands and feet to help with nail fungus and have seen fantastic results. Those who enjoy its aromatherapy properties speak highly of the refreshing energy it leaves behind. The soothing features of lemongrass oil work well in lotions as massage therapy and as an aid to relieve muscle tension. Still others have used it to help with conditions of the skin, scalp or hair.

There are those who like to use lemongrass oil to rid their pets of flea, tick and mosquito problems. It has been used in traditional Indian medicine to lower fevers, reduce inflammation and ward off infection, for many years. As with any essential oil you want to get health benefits from, you should make sure you get a high quality product to work with so that you see improvement. If you are planning on taking it in your tea or another digestive method be sure to get the details of the best dilution percentages, insuring you take the right amount.

Why lemon grass oil deserves its spot in your medicine cabinet? Because as one of the better known essential oils it offers a wide range of healing properties and health benefits. Make it your ally today!

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