We all know smoking is not the easiest habit to kick. The following tips will help you decrease the desire to smoke, rebuild your lungs (use this part even if you don't want to kick the habit) and deal with withdrawal symptoms.
Decrease the Desire:
Spice for Life essential oil blend from Be Young on the tongue before lighting up can help decrease the desire. Take one drop with each meal to help increase the immune system (it is stressful to quit smoking, stress decreases the immune system).
Eucalyptus (Radiata) will stop cravings and also helps clean out the receptor sites. Every 10-15 minutes apply 1 drop of Eucalyptus to arm and lick off. Drink 8-10 glasses of pure water each day. You may want to rotate Eucalyptus and Rosemary, or use them together. You can also do one drop of Eucalyptus and one drop of Rosemary at the same time. This will be stronger. (Note: only use an essential oil internally that has been approved for internal use! Many essential oils contain synthetics that are not okay to use internally. I recommend the Be Young brand because of its guarantees of purity and the testing done to assure that purity.)
Applying Myrtle to the bottoms of the feet will help remove the desire.
Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Google this, it's easy to find instructions online.
Remember, whenever you take something out of your life you replace it with something else, make a conscious decision of what you want to replace smoking with, preferably something that makes you feel good, some examples are: going for a walk, yoga, building models, reading, learning a new skill. People are all different, some need to keep their hands busy, others find a need to fill the space with something emotional, others need to involve their mouths-we recommend taking up the harmonica as opposed to using food. Some people find that making balloon animals helps them.
Dealing with Withdrawal:
Applying Dill essential oil to the wrists helps reduce the sweating that can often accompany withdrawal.
Lavender, Marjoram, Orange, and/or Sandalwood can also help with withdrawal. Diffuse and apply to temples.
If you get a withdrawal headache, apply Peppermint to the temples and back of neck. (Note: Peppermint can be a bit strong, you may find you need to dilute it in a carrier oil.)
Quiet Scent blend from Be Young can help with the nervous jitters.
Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).
An EAT (Emotional Aromatic Touch) treatment is often very beneficial. I'll write more about this in another article. Simplified, it's using seven different essential oils in defined patterns on the back to create an emotional release or it can also be done by applying those seven different essential oils to the hands or the feet on certain reflexology points to trigger a gentle emotional release.
Rebuilding your lungs:
To get some of the gunk out of the lungs and get them started regenerating... apply one drop of Eucalyptus, Peppermint, or Breathe essential oil blend from Be Young to the chest (if you are a man) or to the back (if you are a woman). Apply a warm compress and leave on until it feels cool. Rinse off. Why the different locations? You are going to be drawing toxins out with the compress and the essential oil. You do not want to draw those toxins through the breast tissue. Why rinse off afterwards? Because you have drawn those toxins to the surface, you want them gone, not reabsorbed! Repeat with the feet.
Diffuse the Breathe blend. I have seen a lot of people who simply diffuse the Breathe blend, or put a drop or two in their hands, rub them together, and then cup their hands around their nose and inhale and experience a strengthening of their lungs. If you are unable to quit smoking, please add the Breathe blend to your day to strengthen your lungs and improve your health in spite of the smoking.
Liver Cleanse daily. Drink plenty of water.
Learn more about the Liver Cleanse by reading the article I have already written. Essentially, it is one drop of Lemon essential oil, one drop of Peppermint essential oil and one teaspoon to one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice taken every morning upon rising. Remember to use an essential oil approved for internal use.
Be sure to drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your system. Your goal is one ounce of water for every half pound you weigh. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you want to drink 80 ounces of water a day.
Penny Swann has been working with essential oils and herbs for over 10 years. She writes a weekly article for their newsletter subscribers. She and her mother, Debby, work as health coaches, helping people improve their lives daily in a natural way. Visit their website at http://www.tracesetc.com/ to learn more about improving your health naturally.
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