Top Ten Uses of Rose Geranium Essential Oil

Scientific name: Pelargonium Graveolens Roseum. There are over 700 different varieties of Geranium. The Roseum on the end of the scientific name means the Geranium we are talking about here is a Rose Geranium. It actually smells kind of like a rose. It is oftentimes used to dilute a rose essential oil. The oil is steam distilled from the leaves, stalk, and flowers of the rose geranium plant. The Dutch sailors carried the plant with them and it quickly flourished practically wherever it went. This is a very adaptable plant, the Europeans grew to love it for its fragrance and its adaptability-it would flourish in almost any climate. Folklore dictated that the plant would keep away evil spirits, that's why you see it planted near doorways and windows. Geranium oil is said to suture both the mental and the physical, meaning it will help wounds that are emotional or physical close and heal.

1. The primary constituent is geraniol, which builds collagen fibers (the protein that is the main building block of bone, cartilage, tendon, and other connective tissues) in the tissues. This means that it creates a regenerative action in these parts of the body, especially the skin. When you apply Geranium essential oil to a wound it will help stop the bleeding and give the skin what it needs to repair itself. Apply the oil to a cut, use a butterfly bandage to pull the edges together, and it is almost as good as stitches in a day or two. Please note that it is not a magic wand, if you are bleeding heavily, have cut an artery or something else that requires immediate surgical attention, please visit the emergency room, but using Geranium along the way will help minimize damage and soothe your emotions.

2. Excellent for skin. Any kind of skin challenge, eczema, acne, rashes, wounds, bruises, ulcers, herpes, and more. It even helps the skin appear more radiant and youthful! Apply a drop directly to an area of concern, dilute in a carrier oil for larger areas, or simply add 5-6 drops to a two ounce spray bottle filled with water, shake well before each application, and use as a body spray or (making sure the eyes are closed) to spray on the face.

3. A diuretic, it helps reduce water retention and edema (swollen ankles and legs). Apply to the legs or use 3-4 drops in a teaspoon of carrier oil and rub from the feet up to the knees. Always rub towards the heart, never away.

4. Improves immune function by balancing the hormones, the emotions, opening the circulatory system, and assisting the lymphatic system. Additionally, it helps reduce stress and stress reduces the immune system.

5. Balances hormones by opening up the circulatory system and allowing the hormones to be carried to where they need to be.

6. Great for female problems-PMS, swollen breasts, cramps, heavy or missing periods, etc. It even helps normalize the fluctuating hormones experienced during menopause! Apply to the ankles, the inner thighs, the soft upper arms, or even the breasts. If you are experiencing menstrual cramps apply on location. If you are experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding, apply to the abdominal area. You may initially experience a brief time of heavier flow, but then it should diminish to a more normal level of bleeding.

7. Marvelous for the emotions. Inhaling Geranium will ease anxiety, reduce tension, and serve as an antidepressant. It helps you release negative and depressing thoughts. In fact, if you are feeling suicidal or working with someone who feels suicidal, have them smell the oil and put a drop on their sternum, it can eliminate those suicidal feelings!

8. A great smelling insect repellant. Note it can attract bees; if you are allergic to bee stings use a different essential oil as an insect repellant just to be on the safe side.

9. Marvelous for use after surgery, especial plastic surgery, because it not only disinfects the area, but helps the skin and tissues underneath heal without scarring. It is also a great anti-inflammatory.

10. Great for hemorrhoids. Simply apply to the affected area several times a day and the swelling will go down and the pain will disappear.

*Only use essential oils internally that are truly 100% pure, such as Be Young oils. Oils that are cut or synthetic can have dangerous side effects if used internally. Always error on the side of caution and use common sense.

Penny Swann has been working with essential oils and herbs for over 10 years. She writes a weekly article for their newsletter subscribers. She and her mother, Debby, work as health coaches, helping people improve their lives daily in a natural way. Visit their website at to learn more about improving your health naturally.

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How To Solve The Problem Of Dark Circles

If you want to know how to solve the problem of dark circles, some essential oils such as rose otto oil can be used. Then there are other natural remedies such as applying potato puree, cucumber slices, cold spoons and so on. The latter remedies are great for providing temporary relief and can be used as often as you like.

But rose oil is a bit different as it has great history of being beneficial for many skin problems. It also goes back a long way in that the great Persian physician called Avicenna wrote a whole book about essential oils including the rose otto oil. His other books such as The Canon of Medicine were used in many medical schools in Europe as late as the seventeenth century.

One way on how to solve the problem of dark circles is to mix the rose otto essential oil with jojoba oil. Another way is to add just a few drops of rose otto oil to small balls of cotton wool which have been soaked in cool water and apply to the eye area.

The qualities of rose oil in aromatherapy are remarkable for coping with depression, grief and insomnia. It is also useful as a sedative and can help with problems such as nervous tension, heart problems and also stress.

How can this essential oil be so effective for so many problems, both physical and psychological? One answer lies in the fact that because of their tiny molecules, they can easily penetrate the skin. Just think that there are 40 million trillion molecules which works out at about 40,000 molecules for every cell in the body.

As regards other ways on how to solve the problem of dark circles, we should be looking at an eye serum which contains no harmful chemical and which is fully bio available to the skin so that it can penetrate it. As we are dealing with the sensitive eye area, we are going to need certain preparations which can actually strengthen the skin there and reduce the spillage from the delicate capillaries that criss cross the area.

I know that certain cosmaceutical companies have found new peptides which can be used with other natural ingredients such as active manuka honey which has powerful soothing and healing properties.

We should also be looking at other natural ingredients such as an extract from seaweed which can be effective in helping to rejuvenate the skin cells at a molecular level. This is important because there are many skin care preparations which contain molecules which are far too large to enter the epidermis. I can think of animal and marine derived collagen which never really penetrate at all. This is also another reason why rose oil is so valuable.

Once we make sure that the company we choose is actually committed to using safe and natural ingredients like the ones I have mentioned above we can be safe in the knowledge that we are giving our skin the best possible treatment on the market today.

William Colbert is passionate about natural, safe skincare and has extensively researched the best skin friendly ingredients on the market to-day. For more information, visit his blog at:-

Discover some really effective ingredients used in cutting edge products to prevent under eye dark circles.

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Eucalyptus Oil Benefits

Essential oils is a pretty broad range of materials. It can be pretty overwhelming when you are looking for the perfect oil to add to your lotion base or simply looking for something to use as-is on your body. In a new series of articles, I'll discuss the benefits of different essential oils.

Eucalyptus oil (Eucalyptus globules) is extracted from wood and leaves and the raw oil can be used for many different things. Originating from China, it is typically a clear to pale yellow liquid. The very strong aroma is often used in relaxation rooms-- whether it be in a massage or a spa to help relax. Much like lavender or peppermint oil, it has an extremely strong scent. If you open a bottle in a small room, the woody aroma will fill it up in minutes.

So what can the oil do for you? If you mix it with a lotion base, it can be applied to the skin for various skin disorders. Typically used for rashes, burns, blisters, insect bites, and any other skin infections. It can even be applied in small doses directly when not mixed with lotion. Many people even add a drop or two to their bath water to achieve results without applying directly to the infected area. This is great for small children who have a sensitivity. Just remember, only a couple drops are needed as it is a strong oil.

Aside from skin disorders, it can also help treat common ailments associated with the colds and the flu. Oftentimes people experience soreness and aches when they are ill, the eucalyptus oil will assist with the relief of sore muscles. It can be applied in the same ways-- either directly on the skin or added to bathwater. I recommend adding 1/2 ounce of eucalyptus oil to your favorite gallon lotion base and mixing. This will give your lotion a fantastic scent and you will achieve the same results.

Eucalyptus oil should be avoided when pregnant as its strong aroma and properties can be overwhelming to the heightened pregnancy senses. It should also be avoided if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. It is considered toxic if you ingest it directly through your mouth.

When searching for any essential oils, I recommend finding a wholesale supplier online. You will get a much cheaper product and you will be able to purchase 100% pure oils, instead of diluted product. Find a bulk wholesale essential oil supplier and be sure to purchase small pipette droppers so you can work with smaller volumes of the oil.

Bulk Apothecary is a full service provider and industry leader of eucalyptus oil, unscented lotion base and other unscented bases along with plastic bottles, lip balm, other essential oils, and any other soap making supplies. We pride ourselves on offering the absolute best quality and best prices in the USA.

Danny Pellegrino - Vice President of Operations for Bulk Apothecary

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The Different Types of Cedarwood Oil

Cedarwood oil is an essential oil that can be found in all sorts of products you may see around your house. It comes from wood and has many different forms. Below you will find information on the most common forms, named by region that they originate from.

Atlas-- also known as Cedrus atlantica, is used to help with acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughing, dandruff, and stress. The warming and toning properties are very strong and many consider it an aphrodisiac because of the strength of the oil. Typically it's thin with an aroma similar to that of mothballs. It should be avoided during pregnancy.

Chinese- also known as Cupressus funebris, it is a light yellow liquid that is very thin. This form of Cedarwood is used for aches and pains in the muscles, getting rid of warts, skin afflications and it can also be found in cosmetics, perfume and soaps. It is non-toxic and not irritant.

Himalayan- also known as Cedrus deodora, it is colorless and very thin. This form is mostly used as an antiseptic, aphrodisiac and stimulant. This should be avoided during pregnancy.

Texas- also known as Juniperus ashei is colorless and also very thin. It is used for circulation problems, coughs, congestion, sinusitis, oily skin and greasy hair. It has a very strong sweet aroma that is very similar to that of the Virginian form.

Virginian- also known as Juniperus virginiana is primarily used to calm anxiety, stress and nervous tension. Many people use it as an expectorant and antiseptic. Many consumers will recognize this form in over the counter products that are used to fight acne.

All of these versions of Cedarwood can be very beneficial when mixed into bulk bases. Bases range from lotion to shampoo to everything in between. To get the benefits, find a supplier that sells bulk wholesale essential oils as well as large and small quantities of your favorite base. You can mix in an ounce of Cedarwood with a gallon of lotion to reap the benefits. You can also use the oil directly on your skin or hair, but be careful. These products should not be used when pregnant and can be very harmful to someone with sensitive skin. I recommend always starting with very small quantities. If you have any severe reactions to the oils, be sure to consult a doctor and see if there are any that you should steer clear of.

Bulk Apothecary is a full service provider and industry leader of essential oils, cedarwood oils, unscented lotion base and other unscented bases along with plastic bottles, lip balm and any other soap making supplies. We pride ourselves on offering the absolute best quality and best prices in the USA.

Danny Pellegrino - Vice President of Operations for Bulk Apothecary

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A Guide To Buying Aromatherapy Essential Oils

The market for aromatherapy products is huge, and, like most other goods, there's lots of counterfeit items about, so it is sensible to be extremely careful when you are considering a purchase. So, exercise caution before reaching for your wallet.

Before you buy aromatherapy essential oils, you need to ask yourself just why you're buying them. Perhaps it's a candle, a healing liquid or for a massage oil to treat your aching knees, or perhaps for another complaint.

Next, you need to know which essential oils to buy if they are to be blended together. If you're going to use it as massage oil, you need to be sure of which ones to buy. Read up all you can about it or meet a practitioner before investing money in this.

Lastly, please realize that these oils are not made all alike. They vary in origin, method of production, ingredients and purity. So, bear in mind all the above factors before buying your bottles.

Where to buy essential oils from?

Aromatherapy oils can be bought from just about anywhere- dedicated aromatherapy stores, health food shops, herb shops, cosmetic shops, open-air markets, drug stores, supermarkets and online stores.

If you want them as therapeutic essential oils, go to herb stores and health food shops where they are knowledgeable about giving you what you need, rather than go to general supermarkets where you may not get the right thing for your specific requirements. You can also buy them locally in neighborhood health food stores, though they may not have a wide range.

If this is not enough for you and you want a wider canvas to choose from, do you know where to buy them from? Well, you can buy from Internet stores such as, Essential7,,,, Ebay and Amazon.

Lastly, you can also buy from well-established mail order companies that can send them on to you at a lower cost than any health food store.

This should take away all the confusion in your mind about where to buy essential oils.

Tips for first-time buyers: By now, you know exactly from where to buy, but do you know what to look out for before you buy these oils? Here are some tips:

• Ensure that the essential oils you're buying are sold in traditional glass bottles with a dark amber color that blocks light. Plastic bottles dissolve, get tainted and become weak and impure, so they don't serve the purpose.

• Do you find "100% Essential Oil" or "Pure Essential Oil" on the label of the bottle you're looking at? If yes, buy it.

• To check the purity of these oils, take a break for a few minutes so that your nose is clear of earlier fragrances. When you sniff an essential oil, keep your nose at a safe distance from the bottle or the fragrance might just hit your nostrils and make you dizzy.

• If a bottle looks dated or dusty, set it aside because old products have very low healing abilities as they age with time.

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Intention And Creating A Sacred Space

What is an Intention?

To have in mind a purpose or plan, to have meaning and direction, to aim for and achieve a desired outcome. With this the Universe can align to make what seems to be impossible possible.

Dare to follow your dreams, your love, your goals and passions.
I believe, now is the time more than ever for setting intensions. Setting your Intention is the first step. You can be specific about something in particular for example; change of career or qualities such as feeling calm and relaxed.

When should you set your Intention?
Your Intentions can be daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Here are some examples;

To be fit physically, emotionally and spiritually
Have excellent health physically, emotionally and spiritually
To work less
To have financial freedom
Be in a loving relationship
To be married and have children
To improve my knowledge and skills
Open your life to love
Celebrate your life
Commune with the Divine
Celebrate your successes
Create financial success
Create abundance and wealth
Honour your transformation in life
Honour Mother Earth
Celebrate the cycles of the Moon
Bring the spirit of nature in to your home
To have a pet
To travel
Enjoy a holiday
Practice mindfulness
Honour all that is good

You have endless opportunities to create an Intention.

Creating Your Sacred Space; When setting an Intention I like to create a sacred space, this helps me too focus. Being creative and surrounded by beauty is essential for me personally so I set a theme. I light candles, have essential oils diffusing, display flowers and crystals, have music playing softly in the background. You van have a candle to light when speaking your Intention, a pen and paper or a journal to write in. Before we go any further it is important to be prepared. Know what your Intention is before you settle in and have it written out and remember you can change the wording or intention. If you are feeling stuck, share it with someone, play with different words. You will know when they are the right ones.

Below I have given you some suggestions on how you can create a sacred space. You may already have a favourite way of doing this. Stick with what is comfortable for you. It is not always going to be practical or possible to spend the time on setting up a sacred space. You can hop out of bed and decide right there and then what your Intention is for the day. Or, you want to have a restful sleep, in which case before going to bed will be more appropriate. Actually before going to bed is a very good time to set your Intention for the following day for example you may tell yourself that you will wake feeling energised and vibrant. Whatever you are doing, see that you are creating something wonderful through your day and stay with gentleness in your heart.

Something that I know to be true is through years of teaching energetic Aromatherapy and creating blends is that 'Thought is Energy, Energy is Matter' whatever we do, we are pouring our energy and thoughts in to it. Be mindful of what you are thinking. Whatever you are thinking is what you will create.

Getting back to setting a sacred space; Firstly I cleanse my space and what better way than to use an Aromatherapy room spray that I make specifically for my Intention. Another way to cleanse and I love this, is to smudge with frankincense resin.

Make sure you are comfortable, allow yourself to relax by breathing in and out slowly and rhythmically, breathe in and out, at the same time you are feeling your body shed any unwanted thoughts and feelings on the out breath. As you take in your next breath feel the purity, the goodness and positive energy flowing in to every cell in your body and all around you. Your body, mind and soul are one, you are feeling grounded, connected, filled with love and pure life force. Remember where you are now is moving you forward, embrace it, enjoy it. You are now ready to begin.

Take a moment to focus on the here and now, gently breathing in and out.
Spend a little time reading over your intention, if it doesn't roll off your tongue and you are not resonating with it, change the wording and play with it. When you can speak your intention with ease, grace and conviction, it is complete.

The next step is to write your Intention on a fresh piece of paper, staying focused on your desired intention. Say it out loud and repeat it as many times as you feel comfortable with. At the same time light your chosen *candle and repeat your intention again. Here you are working with the element of fire which represents action and transformation. Keep the candle burning until it burns down, without interruption.
There are many ways in which to enhance and empower your Intention, sometimes I anoint the candle with an essential oil blend and roll it in crushed herbs. You can do as little or more as you wish.

You can colour co-ordinate your candles to the element of fire for your intention by using a red candle.
You can also follow the cycles of the Moon, when the Moon is full she is at her most potent, when waxing, this is a time for building and when waning a time to release.

Self Talk to Create Your Intention:

I will address myself with self praise
I will treat myself with loving kindness
I Magnify my Magnificence
My heart is filled with gratitude
There is gentleness in my heart

Remember to be aware of what is going on in your mind during the day. What we think we create!

* Never leave your candle to burn without being there.This is a fire hazard, so planning your time is important. If you do go out, blow out your candle and re-light it when you are back.

If you have any questions you can contact me via email: or visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter to receive tips, recipes for the oil burner and articles on specific conditions
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Aromatherapy: Yes It Can Be As Simple As Lighting a Candle

If you are a newcomer to aromatherapy and have searched the web for information, it can seem a daunting task to find a simplified breakdown of what aromatherapy really is. A search of aromatherapy books will produce millions of results. So how does one make sense of the plethora of information available?

First, let's start with the definition of the word aromatherapy. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the broad definition is: the use of aroma to enhance the feeling of well-being. This definition seems so simple and straight forward. Yet for a word so simply defined there is such an abundance of information available on the subject. On alone, a search in books for aromatherapy returns 2,264 results. Why all this amazing information on a subject with such a simple definition? Whereas the definition of aromatherapy appears to be very simple, aromatherapy use and practice varies greatly and can become the subject of great debate.

There are professionals who practice aromatherapy. They are called aromatherapists. There are professional holistic medicine practitioners who suggest aromatherapy to their patients. Then there is an individual at home who lights their favorite fragrant candle and sits back to enjoy. Is this practicing aromatherapy? To many professionals and holistic medicine aficionado's the answer is no. And so the debate begins.

Going back to the Merriam-Webster's broad definition, the use of aroma to enhance the feeling of well-being, why then would burning a candle not be considered practicing aromatherapy? No one can dispute that the aroma of coffee brewing in the morning gives some people the feeling of "I can face this day" energy. No one can dispute that the aroma of bread baking in the oven gives some the people the "Oh, it is good to be home" relaxed feeling. These are examples of aromas enhancing a person's feeling of well-being. One could then conclude that there is no difference between that brewed coffee and an aromatic citrus sage candle filling a room with a soothing aroma that provides a sense of well-being.

A person can fully embrace the belief that aromatherapists and holistic practitioners are an important and integral part in helping to attain the greatest benefit from the therapeutic properties of aromatherapy and still believe that the simplicity of burning a candle or soaking in a warm tub with aromatic oils added to the water can also be beneficial.

The debate will continue, but that is no reason stop soaking in a tub, warming diffuser blend oils in a burner or lighting a candle to enhance your feeling of well-being.

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Aromatherapy Solutions for Stress Anxiety and a Healthier Life

100% organic essential oils have many healthy benefits. I believe that more people would use therapeutic essentials oils if they were aware of the great benefits that these oils provide.

These oils aid in pain relief.  The way to do this is to massage the oils into aching and weary muscles.  You can also make a compress applying it directly with heat. The oils can also improve how endorphins are produced and they can also stimulate neurotransmitters that are located within the brain that are responsible for relieving your pain.  Some oils that you may want to try are peppermint and lavender.  There are also blends you can try such as Relieve It and PanAway.

Therapeutic oils are also great for relieving stress as well as anxiety.  Emotions such as severe anxiety, stress and tension can be connected to some chronic illnesses.  However, using oils will help in making you calm and peaceful.  Many dentists will utilize lemon oil with their patients who have anxiety when going to the dentist.  Other Oils that are helpful include lavender, Ylan Ylang and German chamomile.  Blends that are useful include Peace and Calming and Gentle Baby.

Many people suffer from insomnia, this is when you just cannot sleep, no matter how hard you try.   Most doctors will prescribe a medication to help people who suffer from insomnia.  But now you don't have to deal with prescription medications lavender oils are the perfect natural way to sleep. Lavender helps with sleep, relaxation and anxiety.  Another great oil promoting sleep is Valerian.

Oils are great for hair health; most shampoos contain ingredients that are actually harmful for you.  One ingredient is propylene glycol which is actually antifreeze.  But oils actually help with revitalizing your hair and can aid in getting rid of dandruff. So no more itchy scalp for you to deal with.

Therapeutic oils are great for inflammation.  Inflammation is caused by several things such as poor diet, reaction to certain chemicals and heavy metals.  Single oils that will help include chamomile, thyme and clove.

Essentials oils assist in protecting against colds and viruses. The reason they help so much is because they have antimicrobial properties.  Oils are very effective in assisting with respiratory support.  They can be inhaled directly helping with your lungs, ear, nose and throat issues.  Oils that can help with those issues are rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, clove and Thieves.

Oils are great for soothing scrapes, sunburns, burns and minor cuts. Therapeutic oils work as an antiseptic and clean out the wound. Oils that help these wounds include tea tree and lavender.

Whenever using Essential Oils make sure you are always using 100% pure therapeutic grade Essential Oils. Most store bought oils contain additives and chemicals and are not safe for skin application. These oils tend to be more expensive but they are well worth the price.

So you are probably wondering if there is a way to get Therapeutic Grade Oils at a great price right?  The best way to do this is to buy your oils wholesale. These great discounts are no longer reserved to store owners or health professionals. Find a simple way to buy all your therapeutic grade oils at wholesale by visiting my Wholesale Essential Oil website.

Julien is a Holistic Massage Therapist and Nutritional Consultant, he has been using Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils in his practice for over five years. Visit his Wholesale Essential Oil website for more tips and information on therapeutic grade essential oils.

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Making Your Own Essential Oil Blends

Do you want to know how to make your own essential oil blends? If your answer is yes, here are some useful tips you can follow to make the perfect concoction. You may use them for yourself or give them as gifts for friends and family.

Making your own essential oil blends

The first thing you should do is prepare the materials you will need for making the oils. Get yourself some small glass bottles, a compact notebook, plenty of cotton balls and droppers. Of course, before buying a selection of oils you will have to know what will work best for you. Do your own research, it will familiarize you with the different kinds of oils and which combinations may suit you.

Essential oils have three major categories: top notes, middle notes, and base notes.

The top note is the initial scent we smell, it is also the first to disappear. The middle note is the body of the scent, while the base note is the aroma that stays the longest.

When mixing essential oil blends, make sure you have the three types of notes in your concoction. The ratio is usually three drops of top note, two drops of middle note, and one drop of base note.

Some examples of top notes are eucalyptus, lemon, and orange. This usually evaporates quickly - just within two hours. Middle note oils may include lavender, juniper, rosemary, and nutmeg. Some oils included in base notes are sandalwood, jasmine, rose, and clove.

Before you start testing blends, organize your oils into their respective categories. Use a fresh cotton ball or a dropper for each so you don't mix the scent and contaminate them.

Begin mixing your blend by taking three oils and either dropping them into a clean glass container or dipping a cotton ball and placing them in a glass container. You may actually stick to your own ratio. Just make sure you have enough so you can smell the mixture. Plus, this will save you from making a batch that does not appeal to you.

After mixing your personal blend in a small bottle, wait for five minutes and smell the air above the bottle. Assess the scent. Do you like what you smell? What kind of impression does it leave? After this, seal the bottle and store it in a dry and cool place. Smell the blend again after a few hours. You can make your final decision if this combination works for you after two days.

From this point on, you can try experimenting and finding your own blend. You can even mix the essential oil blend to any soap, lotion, and candle. If you are using the oil for perfume, use a base note like sunflower oil, olive oil, and grape seed oil.

Using aromatherapy diffusers

A great way of using your oils is by using aromatherapy diffusers. These devices use ultrasonic waves to release essential oils in their purest form. This may enhance the effects of aromatherapy and spread the scent to the entire room. It does not even involve any heating. You can find many aromatherapy diffusers in your local stores. You can also find them in online shops, with various designs and affordable prices.

Sophie Mason knows how to make essential oil blends and uses them with aromatherapy diffusers.

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The Benefits of Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is one of the most popular essential oils on the market. The strong aroma makes it great for use in candles and soaps, but it also can be beneficial when applied to the skin.

Peppermint oil, or mentha arvensis, derives from Japan. It is steam distilled from the herb and is typically colorless or a pale yellow liquid. It is known for helping to cure stomach ailments when digested as it is able to be taken orally. It's antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties prove to be very helpful for various internal health issues. Oftentimes, you will find it in hair care products as the strong scent works as a cooling agent. It is also great for bruises and sore joints. You will find many spas use the oil directly on the skin during massages or the scent filling the room to help calm customers down with its strong aroma. Furthermore, it is added to soaps for the same reason. If you are a soapmaker, simply add some of the oil to your melt and pour soap base during the melting process and then your completed soap will have all of the above properties.

Aside from the skin use, the strong flavor and scent prove to be great when making candles. Simply add during the melting process of candle-making, add your wick and the candle will have a wonderful aroma when lit.

Peppermint oil is often ingested when added to food products. Many people associate peppermint with the end of the year as it seems everything has the minty flavoring. If you go to your local coffee store, you will see it advertised, but it doesn't have to just been used in November and December. You can also add a drop or two to you mocha or latte for a special flavoring all year round. It's high menthol content means that it is stronger than most essential oils, so just be careful when using it. For this reason, you will want to avoid using during pregnancy. In general, do your research when pregnant. Senses are much stronger and sensitive when you are pregnant, so you want to be careful what you are ingesting or putting on your skin. You may have a bad reaction to products with strong aromas or flavoring.

When you're looking for the product, find a company that provide bulk wholesale peppermint essential oil in various quantities. You will also need small pipette droppers to use the oil in small doses.

Bulk Apothecary is a full service provider and industry leader of peppermint oil, unscented lotion base and other unscented bases along with plastic bottles, other essential oils, lip balm and any other soap making supplies. We pride ourselves on offering the absolute best quality and best prices in the USA.

Danny Pellegrino - Vice President of Operations for Bulk Apothecary

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Aromatherapy - Grief And Healing The Heart

The healing journey is a very personal process for each of us.

When do we grieve?

When someone close to us dies or someone close gets sick, leaves home, moves far away and more.

There are 4 areas in which the grief process shows itself

1. Feelings- sadness, anxiety, misery, heartache, blame, hurt, frantic, rage, fear, guilt regret, anger.

2. Thoughts- going over and over the past, going through the what if's and if only.

3. Behaviour- yelling for no apparent reason, bursting into tears, talking to self as if the person is there, wear the lost persons clothes or jewellery

4. Physical symptoms- loss of appetite, lethargy, restlessness, sleeping too much, breathlessness, waking through the night or very early, hair loss.

How can we help!

One of the most important things we can do for people who are grieving is to give them a safe place in which to experience and express their pain. It very is important for the person grieving to be able to express their feelings and talk about their loss or traumatic experience. This helps one to feel supported and know that they are not alone, and that they are being heard. Comfort is so important for the grieving person.

Comfort is to soothe in times of distress or sorrow.

Take a moment to think about what essential oils can support you.

What essential oils bring a smile to your face, uplift your emotions and remind you of happy times. Remember essential oils are sourced from an abundant array of flowers, leaves, bark, woods, herbs, spices, fruit and more. They offer their own insights, transitions and healing. As we make our way through different journeys in life these wonderful beauties from nature subtly integrate any changes taking place.

Self care is never a selfish act. It is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have. The gift I was put on Earth to offer to others. Anytime we can listen to our true self, and give it the care it requires. We do not only for ourselves, but also for the many others whose lives we touch.

~Parker Palmer

Here are some suggestions of ways in which you can soothe your emotions, being mindful of the moment.

Sit and be quite breathing slowly and deeply

Have Aromatique Baths while playing some music that you enjoy listening to.

Use your Aromatherapy burners, room or body sprays, remember to choose oils that remind you of happy times and uplift your emotions, giving you courage and support

Take time out for you and your friends

Exercise daily, take walks on the beach or woodlands, hug a tree

Write yourself some positive affirmations

Thomas Moore once said ~ The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.

Affirmations for healing your Heart - Inspired by Robbi Zeck

My heart blossoms with quiet assurance as peace flows through me now.
Paradise is an attitude of the heart, Joy cascades through me now.
Life supports me as I support life; my heart and my wisdom are one.
I love what I do and do what I love.

Essential oils:

Bergamot- balancing, uplifting, gentle, kind, supportive
Basil- strengthening, focus, determination
Chamomile- nurturing, supportive, healing, uplifting
Cedarwood- hold fast, strength, courage
Cinnamon- warming, abundance, supportive
Clary sage- balancing, supportive, embracing, to see clearly
Cypress- transition and transformation, strengthening, courage, cleansing, moving forward
Everlasting- supportive, healing, calming, love
Frankincense- supportive, healing, spiritually cleansing, grounding, comforting, gatherings
Geranium- balancing, calming, supportive, nurturing, uplifting
Ginger- courage, strength, emotionally warming and energising
Grapefruit- boldness, courage, strengthening, cleansing, protection, happiness
Jasmine- supportive, nurturing, balancing, empowering, loving
Juniper- strength, support, expansion and growth
Lavender- nurture, calming, supportive, emotional warmth
Lemon- clarity, happiness, lightness of being,
Lime- happiness, supportive, freshness, bubbly
Mandarin- gentle, caring, support, happiness, calming,
Melissa- for matters or the heart, comfort, heeling, strengthening
Myrtle- supportive, gentle, love
Neroli- supportive, loving, protection, rescue remedy, nurture, matters of the heart, uplifting
Nutmeg- strengthening, warming, courage, emotional pain
Sweet orange- lightness, happiness, fun loving,
Patchouli- grounding, supportive, warming, stability, healing, protective
Rose- love, self love, nurture, calming, protection, balance, support, uplifting
Rosewood- kind, healing, gentle, calming, supportive, grounding
Sandalwood- balance, protection, stability, calming, soothing
Vetiver- grounding, connectedness, protection, strength, balance
Yarrow- nurturing, caring, supportive, gently soothing
Ylang ylang- happy, vibrant, balancing, heart oil, love

Aromatherapy Bathing to Nurture Your Soul

3 drops rose, 2 drops Jasmine, 1 drop vetiver of sandalwood
4 drops bergamot, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops patchouli
2 drop ylang ylang, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops rosewood

Burner recipes to Uplift and Balance your Emotions

4 drops bergamot, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops cardamom
4 drops mandarin, 2 drops lavender, 3 drops geranium
3 drops clary sage, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops neroli, 2drops sandalwood (night time blend)

Room and Body Sprays to Shift Your Energy

In a 100ml glass bottle, coloured or opaque fill it half way with filtered water add your essential oils and then top up the bottle with more filtered water, place on spray top, gently shake and spray around the room and around your body.

10 drops each lavender, geranium, juniper
15 drops lemon, 5 drops sandalwood, 10 drops myrtle
10 drops each grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, 3 drops geranium, 5 drops rose

Remember that grieving is a part of the healing process, I am sending you my love and support, be courageous, face your pain and allow your heart to heal so that you may move forward and love some more!

I wish you smiles, happiness, and love.

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Reducing Anxiety And Stress With Aromatherapy

The 21st century American society has seen a continual rise in the number of adults suffering anxiety disorders. According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of American (ADAA):

Anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults age 18 or older (18% of the US population)

Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. more than $42 billion annually

More than $22.84 billion of these costs are associated with repeated use of health care services by people seeking relief for symptoms that mimic physical illnesses

Nearly one-half of people diagnosed with anxiety disorder are also diagnosed with depression

Although there are multiple uncontrollable risk factors for anxiety disorders such as genetics, brain chemistry and personality, one risk factor that is controllable is life style. Enter aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is a simple yet inexpensive way to change your life style, and many anxiety, depression and stress related ailments can be significantly improved with the use of aromatherapy. Additionally, with all the side effects associated with medications being prescribed for anxiety, depression and stress people are looking for safe, non-toxic ways to treat these conditions. Although individuals should never diagnose or treat themselves, used in combination with a doctor's advice and medications if needed, aromatherapy does provide a safe, non-toxic alternative to traditional treatments.

There are three basic forms of aromatherapy:
1) fragrance diffusion such as candle burning,
2) topical application such as bath products or oils used in massages and
3) inhalation therapy such as nasal inhalers.

Each form of aromatherapy has its own benefits and there are no set rules to apply for determining which form is best for you. The choice is purely personal preference. Do you prefer going to a spa? Do you prefer relaxing in a hot soaking tub in the privacy of your home? Do you prefer infusing a room with your favorite fragrance either by burning a candle or heating essential oils in an oil warmer?

Before choosing an aromatherapy form and a particular fragrance, the only health consideration is possible allergies to the plant from which essential oils are derived. For example, you may enjoy the lavender fragrance of a burning candle, but lavender massage oils may cause skin irritation.

Once you have determined the form of aromatherapy you prefer, the next step is to choose the fragrance that will provide the most benefit for the treatment you are seeking. There is an amazing amount of information available on the essential oils derived from various plants and herbs and the benefits derived from each. The book I would most recommend is "The Aromatherapy Bible" by Gill Farrer-Halls.

If you make the decision today to give aromatherapy a try, do not create another stressful situation for yourself by worrying how to, where, when. You can start out simply by buying candles (lavender is known for its soothing and calming effects). Or you can sprinkle bath salts into you tub and soak for a half hour. The point is, that simple steps can be taken to make significant improvements in helping a person ease some of their anxiety, stress or depression related symptoms such as lethargy, headaches, and insomnia.

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A Highly Importance Product - Organic Essential Oil

Organic oils are the liquids of plant origin that are obtained through various methods. These organic oils are of great use in this modern and advanced life style where every day is hectic and full of tension. Organic essential oils provide relief from various ailments and other undesired conditions that take away the mental peace from us. With the usage of these oils, we can get relief from mental disturbances and other diseases. These plant products are used in several fields today for making various other products and for therapeutic uses.

The organic essential oil is highly utilized in aromatherapy. This is a methodology of treatment that requires the aroma of the natural products or essential oils. Aromatherapy is widely accepted due to the application of natural products in it. The aromatherapy cures various physical and mental ailments that are sometimes found difficult to treat. Using these in this therapy, patients are treated for various emotional and mental diseases. These abnormalities may come from some previous experiences, obesity, feeling of inferiority and various other reasons. Aromatherapy cures such abnormalities with much effect that make use of the organic essential oils. The aroma of the oil and the incense sticks made using these oils are used for relaxing the mind providing mental stability to the patients.

Essential oils are extracted from the various parts of the plants that may be flower, stem, petals, leaves, seeds and others. These oils are extracted using various tricky as well as simpler methods. Fractional distillation is a process that is highly used for the extraction process of these oils. The organic oils are also extracted by a process called solvent extraction. The simpler and complicated process used for the extraction of these products depends on the nature of the oil. Some plants can be used simply for extracting the oil and some requires complicated processes. The extraction process involved in obtaining of the oil decides the price of the oil. With the advancement of technology, the rates of these oils have also increased making them more costly. Various organic essential oils such as rose, ajwain, lavender and many varieties of these are available that cost differently due to their extraction processes.

These oils are used in making various cosmetics and herbal products. The pure oils are highly concentrated and extra care is taken before utilizing these for various purposes. The specialists make use of these herbal products for obtaining variety of material. Shampoo, creams, candles and various items are made using these natural and scented oils. These plant products are also used widely in ayurveda for making various ayurvedic medicines and herbal products.

Abhinav Solanki is an accredited Master Herbalist and writes about essential oil, absolutes that have many aromatherapy benefits. For high-quality, pure aromatherapy oils, visit the argan oil - a marketplace of suppliers, distillers, and aromatic artisans.

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Top Ten Uses for Lavender Essential Oil

Scientific name: Lavendula Augustifolia. Lavender is perhaps the most well-known and least understood of the essential oils. Practically everyone knows that lavender is great for burns, but few understand that there are over 30 (some say 40) different species of lavender and that many of the lavender essential oils are not even lavender, they are lavenda essential oils (smell similar, very cheap to produce, and containing very few if any of the healing properties of true lavender). The best lavender essential oil is from true lavender plants (Lavendula Augustifolia, previously known as Lavendula Officinalis Vera {Vera optional}) grown at altitudes of 5,000 feet or higher. This is the truly universal oil, a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial (being currently tested against MRSA), antimicrobial, hormone balancing, skin cell regenerating, diuretic, muscle feeding, histamine blocking, anti-fungal, and overall body tonic essential oil! A true, pure lavender essential oil will contain properties that will affect all ten of the body's systems and still be gentle enough to use with a newborn baby (remember to dilute appropriately 0-2 years 1 drop essential oil to 3 drops carrier oil, 2-3 years 50/50 dilution, 3+ no dilution needed), earning it the name of The Universal Oil.

1. The first oil to grab for any kind of burn. If the burned area is large and tender to the touch you may want to add 5-10 drops of Lavender to one ounce of purified water in a spray bottle, shake well (and often) and spray the burnt area.

2. Reduces scarring and assists in removing old scars. Simply apply to the affected area several times a day. If you are preventing a scar from forming you have the added bonus of its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties!

3. Insect repellant and great for bites and stings. It soothes the wound, calms the emotions, reduces any inflammation, and has an antihistamine affect. (Note: if you have a known life-threatening allergy to stings please visit the emergency room, but go ahead and apply the Lavender oil on the way.) You can also use it in a sachet to repel bugs that may be hiding out in your dresser or closet.

4. Not only is Lavender great for all skin issues, it has the double benefit of addressing hormonal imbalance skin issues (not just acne, but any way the hormone imbalance may present itself, psoriasis, rashes, cold sores, even boils). While you are using it on your skin it is also prevents wrinkles, scars, and encourages skin cell regeneration!

5. Diffuse Lavender in a sick room, it relaxes both the patient and the caregiver, strengthens the immune system, and it cleanses the air. A great disinfectant, it was carried by soldiers and medics in World War I and II to use on wounds.

6. Assists in reducing the pain associated with migraine or tension headaches. Apply to the back of the neck, temples, and tops of the ears to relax the muscles and the emotions and thus reduce (or eliminate) the headache. Also great for emotional imbalances, mood swings, and depression that often accompany headaches.

7. A drop or two applied to the pulse points of the wrists can drop high blood pressure or calm someone who is overexcited. Great for use before visiting the doctor, not only will it protect you from any germs you may be exposed to, but it will also help calm any fears you may experience by being there. Also great to use before visiting the dentist. You can even apply it directly to a toothache and it will help relieve the pain there!

8. Great for insomnia! Add 5-8 drops to 1/4 cup Be Young Starflake Bath salts (highly crystalized bath salts that are great for absorbing essential oils), then add to a tub of water, soak for 20 minutes (or more), rinse off (because the soak will bring toxins out of the body and to the skin and you do not want to reabsorb them) and you will be ready for bed. Don't want to soak? Put a drop on the back of the neck, temples, and tops of the ears. Add 5-10 drops to one ounce of water in a spray bottle, shake well and often and lightly spray your pillow, bed linens, or just spray around the bedroom. This also works well as "Monster spray" to scare away the monsters who are keeping your little ones from sleeping. It will calm their emotions and allow them to relax and go to sleep.

9. Great for any respiratory challenges, clears mucus, calms spasms, even aids in stopping an asthma attack or in dealing with hay fever challenges. Take a whiff; apply to the chest and under the nose.

10. Marvelous for muscle aches and pains, it feeds the muscles by increasing nitric oxide in the body (a free radical, one of those marvelous chemical molecules produced during lightning storms that makes the world so fresh and alive afterwards); this enables the muscles to perform with more strength. Additionally, it reduces inflammation and muscle spasms.

*Only use essential oils internally that are truly 100% pure, such as Be Young oils. Oils that are cut or synthetic can have dangerous side effects if used internally. Always error on the side of caution and use common sense.

Penny Swann has been working with essential oils and herbs for over 10 years. She writes a weekly article for their newsletter subscribers. She and her mother, Debby, work as health coaches, helping people improve their lives daily in a natural way. Visit their website at to learn more about improving your health naturally.

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