Healing Essential Oils and Their Uses

· Body Methods

Use 1 drop of your chosen essential oil on a tissue or hanky and sniff when necessary, this is great when you have a cold and put Eucalyptus on it.

· Inhalation

Add hot water to a bowl, preferably steel or china rather than plastic add 2 or 3 drops of your chosen oil and then cover your head and the bowl with a towel and breathe in the vapours. Keep your eyes closed and have your head about 250cm above the bowl.

· Massage Oil

This is probably the most common way of using the oils. Make up a blend consisting of 50 mls of carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil and add 15 to 30 drops of essential oils to it. You can use 2 or 3 different healing essential oils depending on what you are treating. The benefits of having a massage are enormous; not only does it increase your metabolism but will also assist in relaxing the muscles, helping remove waste from the system, improve circulation, help relieve both mental and physical fatigue, help reduce pain, tension and anxiety and can help improve skin tone.

Healing Essential Oils for the bath

· Bathing with these oils can help both the aches and pains but also relieve any stress of the day, there is a calming and very relaxed feeling during and after a bath that has had essential oils added. If you have a blend then use as directed otherwise use a maximum of 8 drops. Run the bath and then add the oils, keep the door closed so the aromatic smell stays in the room and soak for as long as you can, 10 minutes at least. Relax and breathe in the vapours.

· Shower

Have a shower as usual and after you have rinsed off put your chosen oil/blend onto a face cloth or sponge and rub over your body quite briskly while you stand under the running water, this will not only make your skin feel alive but you get the added benefit of breathing the aromatic smell as well.

· For your hands

Add 2-3 drops of healing essential oil to a basin or bowl of warm water and soak for 10 minutes; you can also do the same for your feet. To help with Athletes foot add 2-3 drops of Tea Tree oil to your foot bath and soak in that for at least 10 minutes.

· Room Sprays

Room sprays are great if you want a natural air freshener, they can also be used when coughs and colds are present. Get a plant sprayer and add 300 mls of warm water, to that add 4 drops of your chosen essential oil and spray as you would normally, be careful not to spray on good wood.

Healing Essential Oils for Children

· Water Bowl

I have always used this method with babies and young children. If they have a blocked nose or cold put boiling water into a bowl and add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to this, then place at the head of the cot/bed for toddlers and in the middle for babies. The aromatic steam will help to clear the airways and give the child a better sleep. If you are doing this at night the bowl can stay there for the night.

You can also use the water bowl method for any room in the house, maybe you just want to have a refreshing, or relaxing feeling room, shut the windows and doors and allow the aroma to fill the room, give it at least 5 minutes.

These are just some of the ways you can use healing essential oils to help with healing and relaxation, their uses and benefits are many and when you learn how to use them you will find what fits best for you.

Ramari Tauroa-Tibble is the Author of a Self-Help E-Book, has had experience with Marriage Counseling and has used essential oils for healing friends and family for a number of years To learn more about essential oils, their uses and how you can use them effectively to solve your problems visit http://healingessentialoils.org/

Original article

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