Essential Oils: Various Applications for Personal and Environmental Uses

Those of you who use essential oils know how potent they are. In most instances, depending upon the circumstances and the use, only a couple of drops are needed. I use these wonderful oils for almost everything. Just like I use EFT (emotional freedom technique) for everything. My belief is if you find something that works, that is effective, use it, especially if it is natural and healthy for you.

In addition, using essential oils can reduce your expenses since they are used in small quantities (by the drop). Purchasing numerous products to clean the bathroom and kitchen can be quite costly considering the initial cost and the cost to repurchase the same products over the long run. If they are made with chemicals, they are also toxic to your health and well being.

Using essential oils saves you in the long run because several 32 oz. spray bottles can be made with a few essential oils and the same concoction can be used in both the bathroom and the kitchen. Add in some baking soda at fifty cents for a one pound box and you have a scrubber for the sinks and the tubs and it's also great for getting grease off the stove and counter tops.

Here are a few of my own creative uses for essential oils as well as some from master aromatherapists Jeanne Rose and Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D.

For mouthwash, mix two drops of tea tree in about a quarter cup of water and rinse before and after brushing. Kills bacteria and assists with gum disease.

Revive potpourri or sachets by adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

Apply one to two drops of lavender or tea tree to cuts, scrapes, scratches, insect bites, or burns.

A blend of lavender, geranium, and bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression. Use in a room diffuser or place 6-8 drops in a bath. Can also carry it with you on a tissue and use it throughout the day.

Place five drops lemon essential oil in a mixture of one-half water and one-half vinegar to clean windows and mirrors.

Use a spray of basil and lavender in water to get rid of flies or place 3-4 drops of each on a decorative piece of cloth or ribbon and hang.

Place your favorite essential oil on stationery and envelopes when sending letters and cards.

Saturate a cord or soft rope with pennyroyal or tea tree to make a natural flea collar. Roll it up in a handkerchief and tie loosely around your pet's neck.

Rub a drop of rosemary, lavender, peppermint, or basil onto the back of the neck or temple to ease headache pain. A friend of mine told me she also rubbed it on her forehead when she had a migraine headache and it took the pain away without the use of drugs which she normally used.

Place a few drops of peppermint on a cotton ball or directly on the area where ants come in (provided you are not concerned about the oil damaging the flooring or carpet or the counter if placed directly on it). Peppermint essential oil is also good for keeping out roaches. It's also great for opening the sinus passages and helping you breathe.

Add 10 drops of essential oil to a box of baking soda or corn starch to alleviate odors from carpets, mix, let set for a day or two, sprinkle over carpets, let set for one hour, then vacuum.

Put a few drops of citronella in a candle or hot coals of a barbeque to ward off mosquitoes.

Place a few drops of essential oil on a piece of terry cloth or cheese cloth and toss into clothes dryer while drying.

For aching muscles or arthritis mix one part cajeput, sage, and basil to four parts vegetable oil and massage into the affected area.

Elizabeth Ocean, MA LPC is a psychotherapist with 11 years experience integrating energy psychology and aromatherapy into the process of healing the mind/body connection. She encourages healing through holistic channels. She has formulated and prepared her own natural care products through the use of essential oils and other natural ingredients for physical and emotional relief. You can contact her at - Elizabeth's blog is

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Information on Aromatherapy Recipes

Aromatherapy refers the use of complex chemicals in the oils of the plants and herbs which are proved to be relaxing the mind and the body. While breathing in the aroma of the essential oils people experience feeling of vigor and balance within the perfume and fragrance.

Lavender oil is the most preferred oil used in the aromatherapy recipes because of its ability to minimize the stress, anxiety and depressions, helping to curb the irritations and uncontrolled emotions and bring forth the feeling of serenity and balance in the life of an individual. The lavender oil constitutes 70 % of linalyl and linalol acetate, a sweet delicate flower smell, and 4% of terpenol, camphor and the cineol which produces the intense and the dominant aroma.

The combination of the two chemicals in the lavender oil creates an aromatherapy recipe that permeates the floral fragrance to spread out and penetrate the nostrils to smell the sweet and mild aroma of the herblike plant stimulating the senses with serenity and tranquility.

The use of the chemicals do not seem to have any correlation yet the balance used in the aromatherapy recipes does create the much required balancing, normalizing and alleviating the combination of the perfumes with the essential oils.

The other essential oils used in the balancing of the aroma are lemon grass, juniper berry, clary sage, fir needle, Melissa and Petit grain.

When there is the proper understanding of the prevailing characteristics of the aroma selected for the essential oils, recipes that stimulate the energies and the senses and the other benefits are produced.

The body and the mind retaliates with the dominant outcomes of a particular aroma when the oils are used separately, but the person who has the experience in the benefits of the aroma will be able to experiment with the combinations of the oils that result in the several applications which improve the well-being of an individual.

The creation of the aromatherapy recipes involves the two important processes. The first process involves the use of single essential oils and the other process involves the combination of the oils that have different effects but compliment each other in terms of fragrance.

While producing aromatherapy recipes it is important to select a middle tinge from the blend of those oils. The middle tinge obtained should make a perfume that tantalizes the senses and bestows the symptomatic outcomes that can help the individual to relax the mind and body and muscles and ease physical discomforts after using the aromatherapy recipe.

Find the best deals online for Aromatherapy Products Shop at discount price. This article is posted by Chirag Kansoda.

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Essential Oils and Aromatherapy - Why It Really Works

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

Essential oils, or Oils of {Insert Plant Name}, are the most concentrated and pure form of a plant's "Essence". This essence is most often the aroma or flavor of the plant, such as Cinnamon Oil used in cooking, or Lavender Oil used in aromatherapy - the essential oil captures a distinct form of a plants particular characteristic, and depending on the plant, can be a versatile solution for different applications

Extracting Essential Oils
There are different methods by which Essential Oils are obtained. The most common is known as "Distillation". In this technique, the source of the oil (Flower petal, fruit skin, etc.) is steamed at very high temperatures. The high temperatures release the oil, which then vaporizes or mixes with the steam. The steam is collected, condensed and the Essential Oil is separated out. Another common method is call "Cold Pressing" the plant. This is the same way Olive oil is obtained, and is most often used to extract Citrus Oils.

Aromatherapy is the application of Essential Oils and other aromatic compounds to alter a person's mind, mood, cognitive state, or health. The Olfactory system (Sense Of Smell) is a rather powerful influence on the brain. Just as certain scents can make a person nauseous, trigger very vivid memories, or enact a heightened sense of awareness, they also have a powerful influence on your mood and mental state - most notably, stress. We all know the mental toll stress takes on us, but many people are unaware of just how detrimental stress can be on the body. A study by UCLA scientists made a very strong physical connection between emotions and stress with a person's health. "When the body is under stress, it boosts production of cortisol to support a 'fight or flight' response. If the hormone remains elevated in the bloodstream for long periods of time, though, it wears down the immune system." - Rita Effros, study author. Those who consistently live a high-stress lifestyle tend to develop a greater number and severity of illnesses, but those who find ways to block out or manage their stress tend to live happier, healthier lives.

Therein lies the potential of aromatherapy - treating the underlying cause or enhancing factor of an illness, rather than the symptoms. The main mechanism which links emotions to physical health is the Limbic system, a component of the Central Nervous System which controls many of the hormones and neurochemicals released into the body. The Limbic system is also the receiving point for olfactory signals from your nose. This explains the direct link between aromas, mentality, and health. The correct aromatherapy treatment has the ability to reduce stress, increase energy, and improve a person's well-being.

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Danette Newton
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Aromatherapy Soy Candle Benefits

Aromatherapy is the use of scented oils and other substances to improve health and influence mood, and aromatherapy soy candles are one of the most commonly used means of diffusing these substances. Through candles, you can breathe in the oils as you relax. As you breathe them in, they can travel through your bloodstream to your brain and work their benefits in your system.

The essential oils used in aromatherapy have been recognized for centuries as having qualities that enhance the body's natural healing powers and stimulate its energy centers. There are over 100 essential oils in common use and each has its own specific properties. They can be used as drops, for instance in bath water, but often seem most effective as ingredients for candles, so that they are diffused throughout the room and breathed in. Candles therefore are seen by many people as the most effective instruments for aromatherapy.

Until fairly recently, the most common types of candle wax used for aromatherapy were paraffin wax or beeswax. However, more and more people nowadays are using soy candles, made from the hydrogenated oil of natural soybeans which are organic and farm grown. These oils have been demonstrated to have many advantages over the other types of wax, both for the environment and for aromatherapy.

From the environmental point of view, one of the major benefits of soy candles is that they are clean burning without the toxins and soot produced by paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is in fact a by-product of petroleum, so it has all the same harmful effects that petroleum has. If burned long enough its carbon emissions can blacken walls and ceilings, and, in addition it can pump carcinogens into the atmosphere.

Soybean oils on the other hand are a renewable resource and are completely biodegradable. They have in fact been shown to have a lower environmental impact than any other candle oils on the market. Soy candles are longer and slower burning than other types of candle, owing to the fact that they have spiraled cotton wicks which ensure an even burn. As well as making them cost less, because they last longer, this also means that the cooler burn intensifies the effects from the essential oils. With traditional candles, the aromas can be contaminated by the soot and toxins so that you do not get the full benefit.

When used for aromatherapy the soy wax is combined with specific essential oils that will produce the particular effect that is desired. You can choose what effect you require when you select your candle, so you need to know which aromas to choose. For example, if you need something to help with depression, you might choose aromatherapy soy candles with a rose or jasmine scent, or try lavender to add a calming effect as well. Scents of basil will help with concentration, or try ginger oils if there is a problem with headache and nausea. You may find relief from a cold or sinus infection or from allergic problems like hay fever, with eucalyptus, or you might find candles with citronella help to keep insects at bay when you are entertaining guests outdoors. Sandalwood is said to act as an aphrodisiac; try it to see for yourself. Whichever type of aromatherapy soy candles you choose, you can be sure they will be soothing to your mind and body.

About the Author
Eco-friendly products are becoming more important to many consumers and have long been a concern for me. With soy aromatherapy candles, we are able to enjoy burning candles and support the environment at the same time. Visit, where we offer aromatherapy soy candles to other environmentally conscious people.

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The Science of Essential Oil in Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an effective and deeply pleasurable way to maintain the body and mind well-being. It became one of the popular alternative healing methods in the United States. The aromatherapy has as well become a challenge to conventional medicine. Its concepts can be grasped intuitively; however, few people realize that scientific proof does, in fact, exist for many of the uses for aromatherapy. It is highly important for you to be provided a scientific basis for the efficacy of essential oils, explained clearly and logically.

To start aromatherapy treatment, you need to know how essential oils interact with the different systems of the body and how they affect emotional states as well as physical ones. You also need to understand and have a clear explanation on how to treat symptoms ranging from hay fever to stress disorders with predictable results. Aromatherapy students who wish to take their practice to the next level will find that much of the guesswork used in developing formulas is no longer necessary. Professional aromatherapists will turn the art of healing with essential oils into good medicine for the next century.

Here are the aspects you need to know about essential oils before starting aromatherapy treatment:

1. Definition and distillation. Knowing what essential oils really is in and out, which includes the types of distillation, chemical components and history of the aromatherapy oil are being discovered and produced. Understanding its terminology and composition; so is the spectrum action of their components.

2. The effects. Research shows that essential oils have different characteristics which carry various effects to humans on actual applications. Data comparison from different studies results have been published on aromatherapy oils effects. In many cases, they are with different contents have comparable effects such as antibacterial effects, antiviral effects, inhalation, expectorant effects, sedative and antispasmodic effects.

3. The risks. It is fine if you wish to begin aromatherapy treatment yourself with essential oils. However, beware of the real and potential risks within each oil type. Being cautious to what you are allergy to and also, your skin sensitivity to the oils are crucial. Clinical practice has uncovered possible contraindications for some oils, meaning oils that normally would be unproblematic exert a negative or detrimental effect in the case of an already existing illness.

4. Choosing the right essential oils. Reading the descriptions very carefully is a must. The essential oils' structure-effect diagram is provided not only allows us to create optimal combinations, but offers us a deeper understanding of the effects of both individual oils and their components, not forgetting the relationship between chemical structure and the effects too.

5. Applications. There are various methods of application in aromatherapy treatment; namely, oral, external, suppositories, mouth and throat, the nose, inhalation and shower; each with its distinct way of absorption. Taking into accounts how quickly the aromatherapy oils are both absorbed by and eliminated from the body, each essential oil make itself useful to the areas of use such as bruises, burns, injuries, scars, infectious illnesses, stress-relevant sicknesses, respiratory conditions, skin conditions and etc.

In the future, aromatherapy and other alternative methods which rely on natural substances to unite psychological and physical healing will become increasingly more important. Many holistic healing methods are still unjustifiably lumped into the category of quackery and hocus pocus, but more and more science is turning to the interdependence of body and mind and is gaining insight into the control mechanisms of the brain and their influence on the emotions and the immune system. Considering all of this, the mechanism in which essential oils work is even more complex than as has been known thus far and much more effective than that of a one-dimensional, isolated substance.

To understand essential oils for aromatherapy treatments in detailed, please visit

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Aromatherapy Essential Oils - The Most Popular

Aromatherapy uses pure essential oils for therapeutic purposes, equilibrating the body, spirit and mind. Both the senses of smell and touch are activated by this particular science, an aromatherapy session being able to relieve stress, relax muscles, comfort the spirit and mind and balance all the negative and positive emotions.

All these are possible thanks to aromatherapy essential oils, which are nothing but organic oils processed through special technologies in order to obtain potential remedies for various medical problems.

How are they obtained?

Whether we talk about oils extracted from leaves, seeds, fruits or roots, the processing technology is pretty similar: the volatile parts of the plants are used for extracting liquid substances. These substances are then distilled or processed through techniques like infusion or expression, resulting powerful organic oils with amazing therapeutic properties.

Aromatherapy essential oils are more qualitative when the seeds, flowers or part of the plants from which they are extracted are harvested in a specific moment of the day and year. It's essential to know the precise moment as each plant has more pronounced properties in a particular moment of its growing and development cycle.

At the end of the processing phase, essential oils are colorless most of the times and the lower the processing temperature, the higher the quality of the final product is and the better its properties are conserved. When used for aromatherapy, these oils should be stored in dry and cool places, preferably in glass containers.

However, most of the times they aren't used alone but in combinations, the most common substances mixed with aromatherapy essential oils being vegetable oils (walnuts, sesame oil, almond or laurel). Obviously, the final products are liquid as well and lots of producers choose to mix the essential oils with synthetic ingredients in order to obtain higher amounts of aromatherapy substances. Unfortunately, this process alters the properties of the oils, making them less efficient.

Most popular aromatherapy essential oils

There are dozens of essential oils used for therapeutic purposes and each of them has different effects on one's organism. Whether they're used for inhalations, compresses, for cosmetic masks, regular massages or bathing, these oils are definitely simple and affordable ways to start feeling and looking great.

But how can you know which one is right for you? Well aromatherapy oils don't have side effects unless you're allergic to a specific plant or ingredient. So the first aspect to consider when choosing an essential oil is its properties and health benefits.

Cinnamon essential oil for example it's a spicy-sweet oil with powerful antiseptic and antiviral properties, which make it very efficient in preventing and reducing infections and inflammations. Then, it has a beneficial effect on circulation and digestion and it's also a great antispasmodic, relaxing muscles and providing great relief from pain and aches.

Black pepper oil is mainly used for digestive problems, as it stimulates intestinal processes and treats anemia, constipation or diarrhea, restores colon tone and improves nausea. Also, this product is useful in reducing joint stiffness specific for arthritis sufferers and in restoring the muscular tone. People with bronchitis or other respiratory problems may also benefit from its properties.

Lemon aromatherapy essential oils are great for skin, being able to reduce acne and cellulite, to protect against infections and to strengthen nails and hair. At the same time, this natural oil improves sinusitis and other similar conditions, strengthens connective tissues, raises blood pressure in hypertensive patients and prevents thrombosis.

Patchouli oils are also analgesics and antiseptics, but they also have anti-depressant properties, therefore they're great in treating negative thinking and depression and improving one's mood. Also, these essential extracts are good for external hemorrhoids and varicose veins, for dandruff and eczema, as well as for urinary infections and stress-induced issues.

Ginger essential oil is great in reducing sores and skin bruises, in treating cough and sore throat, eliminating fatigue, improving poor circulation and regulating menstruation. Due to its stimulant and tonic properties, it is a great adjuvant in nervous issues like hypersensitivity, exhaustion and flat emotions.

These are only some of the most common aromatherapy essential oils used in restoring the body's internal and external equilibrium. So if you're dealing with various health problems and you're tired of trying drugs and medical therapies with no results, aromatherapy can always be a smart alternative to improving your physical and mental health state!

Welcome to the home of the best aromatherapy oils you'll ever need!

If you're looking for information on aromatherapy or simply need to know more, then this is the place to visit!

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Aromatherapy Natural Healing Treatment Essentials


Aromatherapy is known as a natural healing treatment that improves overall health, relieve strain and offer revitalization and restoration of the human body. Aromatherapy treatment uses essential oils; a liquid plant extract to elevate our frame of mind and state of health. These compounds have a wide variety of natural healing benefits.

When essential oils are being used in bath tub or massage therapy, it gets immersed into the skin which commences the natural healing treatment. As scent is inhaled, its molecules enter the nostrils and flow towards the olfactory receptors. These receptors instantly determine the aroma and relay the information to the limbic system; a group of deep brain structures that deals with the nerve, respiratory, circulatory and immunological defences.

When aromatherapy oil molecules enter the lungs, they attach themselves to oxygen molecules and are brought into the blood stream and circulated to every cell in the body. Inside the cells itself, essential oils could trigger the body's ability to cure itself and enhance health.

Aromatherapy Utilization Technique

Essential oils can be applied using various techniques:

These oils can be used topically through massage, alcohol wipe, salt rub and compresses. It may also be put into bath salts or added into a foot-bath or a bath
Inhalation includes diffusion using a Nebulizer to spray a fine mist into the air, inhalation of steam vapors - from oils drop into hot water or by rubbing two drops between the palms and cupping over the nose and mouth
Ingestion or consuming few of these oils safely can be an effectual remedy. However it is important to note that it should only for those with in-depth knowledge of aromatherapy oils or with the guidance of an Aromatherapist

Aromatherapy Natural Healing Treatment and Benefit


Aromatherapy natural healing treatment for diabetes is not only seen to minimize diabetic symptoms but also in alleviating the strain of coping with the condition; the psychological challenges faced by serious diabetes sufferers. The treatment might not cure diabetes as proven by few studies. However it is able to help ease the symptoms of the illness, minimize discontent and impede potential future illnesses.


A number of essential oils are able to provide cure for insomnia particularly Lavender, Chamomile, and Jasmine. Some of these oils are also suited to treat stress and stress-related conditions which is often an important factor in relieving sleeping disorder. In a study on 42 insomnia sufferers, it was discovered that a month of Lavender essential oil therapy aided in relieving sleeping disorder. This makes aromatherapy natural healing treatment a fantastic way to overcome sleeping disorder and their causes.


There are various effective and safe techniques to alleviate allergic reaction but employing therapeutic grade essential oils therapy is probably the best. Aromatherapy natural healing treatment for allergies includes the effective use of Lavender and Eucalyptus essential. Be sure to choose only concentrated therapeutic grade essential oils as an inferior grade will not generate the stipulated outcomes.

Purchasing Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Deciding on the best essential oils to purchase can be baffling and overwhelming but it is vital that you find a trustworthy company which sell therapeutic grade oils. Unlike synthesised oils, therapeutic grade essential oils have the healing qualities still in tact thus able to offer the curative results desired. Watch for the following when purchasing:

Latin or botanical name of the plantCountry where the plants were grownStatement about pureness

Reputable businesses will provide these details to prove the aromatherapy oil is legitimate and to be certain you are receiving the proper oil.

Care and Safe Use of Aromatherapy Oils

There are some safety issues which must be highlighted with regards to handling and utilizing essential oils as some of them are highly concentrated and potent. With incorrect dilution, most of these oils can inflame the skin. The chemical elements it includes are sensitizers which cause reactions to the skin following frequent use. Basic safety procedures ought to be adhered to assure effectual, safe and pleasant aromatherapy natural healing treatment.

Discover and learn more on how aromatherapy natural healing treatment could provide the remedies or ease for Diabetes, Insomnia and other illnesses symptoms, minimize discontent and hinder future illnesses potentials at

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Eucalyptus Oil Aromatherapy for Respiratory Problems Such As Asthma and Sinusitis

Respiratory problems are common in the United States as well as many other developed nations. Part of the contributing factors of today's respiratory issues are a direct result of indoor and outdoor pollution, including particles, biological contaminants and gaseous pollutants. Air pollution: viruses, germs and other contaminants are everywhere. So how can the average person improve there respiratory health and wellbeing?

Aromatherapy is fast becoming a viable alternative for many people looking to live healthier lives - proactively. But what is aromatherapy? It is not just a product that smells good. Aromatherapy is the practice of utilizing volatile oils (essential oils) that are found in plants as a natural, holistic approach to medicine, or an alternative method of caring for the body and mind. These essential oils are very aromatic - hence the term "aromatherapy".

So how does aromatherapy help with respiratory distress? Researchers are finding more and more evidence of the medical benefits of using essential oils such as eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, tea tree oil and others. These benefits include improved respiratory health, reduction of stress and trauma, lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, and pain management just to name a few. Scientists are also exploring the role of essential oils for treatment of different types of cancers.

What is eucalyptus oil?
Eucalyptus oil is the volatile oil extracted for the leaf of the eucalyptus tree. The leaves are harvested from the tree and distilled in a stream distillation unit. The result is an aromatic volatile oil extract containing the essence of the leaf. According to the US National Institute of Health, "Eucalyptus leaf contains chemicals that might help control blood sugar. It also contains chemicals that might have activity against bacteria and fungi. Eucalyptus oil contains chemicals that might help pain and inflammation. It might also block chemicals that cause asthma."

How can Eucalyptus Oil help with respiratory problems?
The US National Institute of Health also states "Developing research suggests that eucalyptol, a chemical found in eucalyptus oil, might be able to break up mucous. Some people with severe asthma have been able to lower their dosage of steroid medications if they take eucalyptol." Those suffering from asthma can prepare topical applications and/or use an inhaler that contains the oil. Eucalyptus oil can help open bronchial pathways while reducing phlegm and mucus, thus allowing fore easier breathing. The same treatment can be used on those suffering from sinusitis. Another method of treatment is through steam inhalation. A simple method would be adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a hot pot of water - gently lean in and place your head over the pot - breathing deeply. A few drops of oil in a warm shower will have a similar effect.

Written by Juliana Livewell.
Juliana Livewell is a contributor for and has worked in the field of aromatherapy since 2005.

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An Introduction to Aromatherapy - Various Techniques

The science of aromatherapy is very old, as people used essential oils from ancient times to treat their health problems and improve their appearance. Still, the term was only introduced in the 20th Century, when this science was officially recognized as extremely efficient in promoting the psychical and physical well-being.

Thus, an introduction to aromatherapy should start with the ancient times, when Chinese and Egyptians used plants extracts for cosmetic purposes but also for balancing their mind. The first perfumes were made of essential oils mixed with different vegetal extracts and lots of ancient civilizations used these products for embalming the dead people.

Nowadays, aromatherapy is mainly used for treating various health problems and relaxing the body and mind. The main forms of practicing this science are through inhalation and topical application. While in the first technique the patient doesn't have a direct contact with the oil in the second practice the product is applied on the skin, being quickly absorbed and starting to exert its effect inside the body as well.

Regardless of the chosen method, it's important for the used oils to be perfectly pure and undiluted, as through this process their properties may be affected. However, for financial reasons, lots of producers mix the essential oils with different chemicals, making them less efficient.

An introduction to Aromatherapy techniques

• Inhalation involves smelling the oils directly from the bottle or mixing them with hot water and putting the liquid in an opened bowl in the aromatherapy room.

Another technique involves lowering your face over the bowl, covering your head with a bowel and maintaining this posture for few minutes. During the procedure you have to breathe deeply in order for the oil to do its action.

Then, you can use a device for dispersing the oil into the air or you can opt for a humidifier, which should be used together with a tissue on which you sprinkled a few drops of essential oil.

• Topical application in aromatherapy involves applying the oil directly on certain areas of the body, such as the neck, upper back, on the crown of the head, temples or abdomen. Also, the essential oils can be applied on ankles and over the vital organs, depending on the purpose for which aromatherapy is used.

Usually, 2-3 drops of natural oil are place in the palm of the practitioner and then applied through circular motions on the skin. Rubbing and other massage techniques are also efficient in speeding up the absorption of the oil into the skin.

The particularity of this technique is that the oil has to be diluted and never applied in its concentrated form, as it passes into the bloodstream very fast and may lead to an allergic reaction. Although most essential aromatherapy oils are safe, this problem is quite common among uninformed users.

Then, essential oils applied locally make the skin absorb the ultraviolet rays faster than normal and this also causes various problems, among which sunburn is the most common. This side effect is called photo toxicity and can be easily avoided by diluting the oil before applying it on the skin.

Welcome to the home of the best aromatherapy oils you'll ever need!

If you're looking for information on aromatherapy or simply need to know more, then this is the place to visit!

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Can Perfume Be Used As Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is used by many as a medicine to alter one's mood. People usually use aromatherapy to induce a calm and tranquil state of mind. The most popular uses of aromatherapy are usually candles, oils and bath salts. But have you ever wondered if you can use perfume for the same effect? Perfume can also be used to create a mood, whether it is tranquility, alertness or allure.

Oils that are used for aromatherapy are made from plants whose fragrances are known to create a certain mood. Perfumes can do the same. Perfumes that are made from those particular flowers may create the same effect as oils and candles. Use it with a similar smelling lotion and it is sure to enhance the mood you are going for. Here are some popular flowers used to inhibit a mood, and the perfumes that can be used for the same purpose:

Jasmine: Jasmine is a very sweet and calming scent, and has been used to fight depression and anxiety. Try wearing Mon Jasmine Noir by Bvlgari all day and it is sure to have a calming effect on you.

Peppermint: Peppermint is used for many things, but it is known for its natural energy boost and help with alertness. Flora by Gucci is a great alternative if you want to use perfume instead of oil and need to a little energy in the middle of the day. It is a blend of citrus, pink pepper sandalwood and patchouli. Keep some in your office or in your car and spray a little on yourself when you are feeling sluggish. It is sure to freshen you up.

Rose: Rose is a fragrance that extremely attractive on a woman. It is so feminine and sensual. Rose oil tends to be pricey because it takes a lot of roses in order to make a bottle of oil, so you may be better off getting a bottle perfume that will last much longer. Rose has been known to help with anxiety and depression. Pregnant women should avoid using rose oil, but a perfume is not a problem. Rose Essentielle by Bvlgari is an excellent rose perfume. It is also infused with violet and jasmine, and is sure to create a tranquil mood when worn.

Lemon: Lemon is a very powerful fragrance and has been used for centuries for its therapeutic qualities in helping with alertness and concentration. It can also be used to treat headaches. One Summer by Calvin Klein is sure to do the trick if you're looking for something uplifting and invigorating. It smells of lemon, tangerine and melon and is very refreshing and clean. Put on some citrus smelling lotion as well and you will definitely perk up.

It's not difficult to find a perfume that works well as aromatherapy. Whatever your symptoms are, whether it's anxiety, depression or sluggishness, you can easily find a perfume that can help your mood.

You don't have to use oil for aromatherapy, perfume can also be used to treat your mood. Find a great selection of perfume, like bvlgari perfume, at

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Heal Naturally With Essential Oils and Dead Sea Salts

Bathing in Dead Sea salts infused with essential oils can help restore your body and replenish your soul. For centuries, people have traveled to the Dead Sea to benefit from its healing mineral enriched waters. Legendary historical figures like King David, the Queen of Sheba and Cleopatra have found refuge and rejuvenation in the waters of the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea, bordering Jordan to the East and Israel and the West Bank to the West, has one of the highest salinity rates, making it one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. In addition, it also possesses very high mineral contents which science has proven to help heal many health conditions.

You are probably wondering how bathing in sea water can help promote good health and well-being.

Scientists believe that there is a similarity on a physiological level between our blood plasma and sea water. Human blood contains minerals such as potassium, sodium and chlorine in the same proportions as sea water. The main difference is that there is much more salt in sea water than in human blood plasma and there is much more pure water in blood than in sea water. This information has led to the use of sea water in therapies for various ailments. It is believed that by bathing in sea water warmed to body temperature (98 degrees F/37 C), negative ions are activated, penetrating our skin via the pores and bringing elements of the ocean to our internal organs. By doing so, health conditions including allergies, bone-related diseases, circulatory, respiratory, and skin problems can be alleviated.

Dead Sea salt in particular has a very high mineral content when compared to other salts and is known for treating skin conditions and improving the body's internal processes. The minerals found in Dead Sea salt are known to heal skin tissue, aid metabolism, balance moisture in the skin, reduce water retention, remove toxins, relax muscles and relieve muscle stiffness and cramps. Doctors agree that people with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis have benefited from therapy involving Dead Sea salt baths.

Adding essential oils to a warm bath with Dead Sea bath salts turns this already therapeutic practice into a luxurious aromatic and some say, spiritual experience. Plant essential oils too have properties that aid in good health and emotional well-being. Aroma-therapists believe that using essential oils properly can help restore the body and soul by improving one's health and vitality. For example, lavender helps treat depression and sleep disorders, citrus scents are uplifting and patchouli is a known aphrodisiac. The benefits of using natural Dead Sea bath salts infused with essential oils for good health and emotional well-being are limitless.

Day Evans
The Bath Fairy Shop

Use the power of nature in a warm bath infused with ancient remedies - natural bath salts, essential aromatherapy oils, and candle light - to nurture, heal, and soothe your body, mind, and spirit.

Visit our blog site at

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Aromatherapy - One of the Many Uses For Essential Oils

Does the nose REALLY know?

Today, more and more people are concerned about the food they put into their bodies - growing their own foods so they know its source, and/or demanding organic fruits and vegetables and pasture-raised/free-ranged animal meats. This is a wonderful and healthy return to a nature-based lifestyle, yet I've found that many of these same people fail to be as concerned about what they use on their skin or scalp as they are about what they eat and drink. Our skin forms the largest organ in the entire human body - very difficult to ignore!

Walking down the soap or cleaning supply aisles of any grocery store, one is quickly surrounded by "aromatherapy" products, promoted by all major brands. Hand soap, bath soap, lotion, shampoo/conditioner, laundry soap - even cleaning products - have "aromatherapy" on their labels.

Essential oils vs. synthetic fragrances.

Don't be fooled - there is a significant difference between true aromatherapy, which is the use of essential oils, and aromatic products, which are designed to smell good, but most of which use synthetic fragrances. These companies appeal to the nature-minded consumer through our sense of smell, but more often than not have nothing to do with true aromatherapy!

What are essential oils and where do they come from?

According to the International Organization for Standardization's (ISO) Vocabulary of Natural Materials (ISO/D1S9235.2), an essential oil is: "a product made by distillation with either water or steam or by mechanical processing of citrus rinds or by dry distillation of natural materials. Following the distillation, the essential oil is physically separated from the water phase."

There are three methods that can produce the physical isolation of the oil from the natural material: 1. Distillation (steam, steam/water and water); 2. Expression ("cold pressing"), a process used for citrus peel oils, and 3. Maceration/distillation, which is used for only a small number of essential oils, including wintergreen and bitter almond.

What are essential oils used for?

Each essential oil (EO) has different chemical properties, and may be used for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways. Essential oils should really be considered nature's medicines - just as herbs should be. In fact, EOs and herbs form the basis of many of today's allopathic, or Western, medicines.

Simply put, this means that we should learn as much about these natural products and how they impact our bodies as we do about the foods that we ingest.

Natural does not guarantee safe! It is important to remember that "natural" does not guarantee "safe", so ignore claims that EO's can be used freely and without harm. Some oils can, in fact, cause unintended effects - burning, itching, or rashes, for example - when applied directly on the skin or used in quantities that are above recommended doses.

However those same EOs, when diluted in a carrier substance, such as grape seed oil or even milk, can have therapeutic benefits without the side effects. Other EOs, depending on a person's particular health condition, should be used sparingly or not at all. And there is evidence that people can have allergies to EOs.

Ultimately, safe and effective use of essential oils - "aromatherapy" - is possible and can be quite easy. With over 300 EOs known today, it can be difficult to know where to start if you want to gain additional information.

I hope you will take the time to educate yourself about those oils that you find yourself most attracted to - let your nose lead the way!

T. Heather Herdman, PhD, RN
Clinical Aromatherapist

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Basil Essential Oil - The Wonder Oil Of Aromatherapy

Basil essential oil and the plant/herb are very popular throughout the world. Here we are going to take a look at this wonder of nature and discover some of its little known uses. After you finish this article you should have a pretty good understanding of this wonderful herb.

Basil in and of itself is mainly thought of as an herb used in cooking. It is also used in various rituals in different cultures around the world. It can even be used as a cleaning product if you are into making your own cleaning formulas.

Basil essential oil is kind of watery, and is pale yellow in color. It has a warm peppery like scent. It comes from many different places such as Egypt, France, and Spain to name a few. When processed, mainly the stems, and leaves are used. The most effective way to process basil is via steam distilling.

As a oil it has many uses. Some of the more popular uses of this oil as a remedy include fatigue, stress, headaches, and it can really help with concentration issues. This fantastic oil can also act as a stimulant, which makes a lot of sense when you consider the peppery like property it has.

It is also used as a marvelous digestive like tonic. If you have an infection of some type, basil has strong anti infection, and anti biotic properties.

Basil blends well with most essential oils such as pepper, cedar chamomile, coriander, fennel, and ginger to name a few.

Now that you know some of the properties and uses of basil, you also need to know that it should not be used by certain people, and conditions. Basil should not be used if you are pregnant, or breast feeding. It should not be used if you have sensitive skin. If you are not sure you have sensitive skin test it out on a small patch of skin to see if you have any adverse effects.

Should you ever have any reactions to an aromatherapy essential oil, you should stop using it right away. It's always best to consult with a health professional should you have any questions.

This oil should not be used by children under 16 years of age. Kids under 16 years old tend to have more sensitive skin than adults. As we age we have the ability to develop a tolerance to certain things, and basil essential oil is one of them. will provide you with many interesting facts on the wonders of aromatherapy.
Love aromatherapy? Basil essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils in the aromatherapy family. Click on one of the links to learn more.

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Uses for Scented Candles

Scented candles are a great way to create ambiance in almost any setting. It is an inexpensive way to add a special touch to your décor and provide soothing scents that can help create a mood. The uses for these candles are as varied as the individuals who enjoy the warmth that a candle adds to the room.

In the restroom, a scented candle is good for more than just the obvious scent to cover smells. A scented candle is the perfect compliment for a relaxing bubble bath. A soothing scent such as lavender can help you unwind after a stressful day at the office. If you are really in the mood to relax, light multiple candles and turn the lights out while you soak away the stress of the day. Watching the candle light flicker while you soak in a tub full of warm water is a perfect way to end the day.

Scented candles can be used in the kitchen to create an inviting atmosphere. Scents that mimic fresh baked foods or spices can add a homey touch to the favorite room in the house. Scents that smell like cake or pies create an inviting mood and are a perfect touch when entertaining friends in the kitchen. Try using one of these yummy scented candles the next time your friends or family are congregating in the kitchen. Just beware because the enticing scents are so live like they whet your appetite and can lead to cravings!

The bedroom is an obvious place to enjoy the benefits of candles. Pick a romantic scent or a soothing scent depending on what you mood you wish to achieve. My personal favorite scent to use in my bedroom is rose. The classic floral scent is crisp, sweet and romantic. Just a couple minutes after lighting the scented candle, the smell masks the scent of my husband's dirty clothes pile and I am transported to a lovely English garden. These types of candles of course are also great for setting the mood for romance. What is more romantic than being intimate by the light of a candle? The subtle shadows combined with the alluring scent create just the right ambiance for a night time tryst.

Scented candles can be used in any room of the house to either mask a scent or create ambiance. They not only set the tone for the mood, they are an inexpensive way to decorate your home. Candles look great in any space and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors sure to fit in with every décor. Candle holders range from elaborate candelabras to simply plates. They fit in any budget so there is no reason not to enjoy using them.

Joann Carlisle is a writer who enjoys sharing her experiences, knowledge, and advice on a number of different subjects. For more information about scented candles, Cheap Like Me gives readers tips for making their own scented candles.

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Find Out What Is Aromatherapy, And Discover How The Oils Can Work?

Aromatherapy is a lifestyle choice to veer away from the generic clinical solution, and instead, seek healing thru the utilisation of necessary oils. These days not everyone is fully sold to the idea only traditional medicine will work. Folks are starting to realize there are numerous other choices developing, one of which is aromatherapy. If you're one of those people that are simply frightened by the very idea of just going to the doctor, aromatherapy is certainly worth the try. The active ingredients used in the production of the oils employed in aromatherapy vary and there is no certain formula as to how these oils are produced. What's certain though, is that mix of the oil with too much water can mostly affect its efficiency so this is without doubt one of the things you have to watch out for if you decide to engage in it.

Aromatherapy can be practiced in two ways - thru inhalation and / or topical application. Those who decide to engage in aromatherapy through inhalation usually use oil burners. For safety reasons, it's best that your measurements are precise when you dilute the essential oil in water prior to decanting it into the oil burner. I say this because just like putting together any fragile mixture, the slight mistake in calculations could mean a great difference in the required effects. An excellent tool which can also be used is the humidifier. Aromatherapy humidifiers are sold in stores and online, the costs change depending on the brand that you choose. An inexpensive humidifier can go as low as $20. The producers of humidifiers guarantee not only an easier way of breathing your necessary oils, but also guarantee to supply cleaner air thru the purification of the air inside your house. Not to mention, you also get to distribute such smashing aroma. If you continually practice aromatherapy or is clamoring to have better air at home, a humidifier is definitely a worthy investment. For those that decide to practice aromatherapy through topical application, there are 2 things which ought to be recollected. The first of these rules is generally to apply only the indicated amount of oils on your body. Applying essential oils shouldn't be likened to the application of moisturisers where the more is certainly the merrier. Use only what you want and do not get carried away when you use it. When you decide to use the oil on children, lessen the concentration of the oil by adding the right amount of water. Also, never attempt to mix or blend different kinds of oil as this will turn out to be damaging. Ultimately, bear in mind to focus on the feet, ears and wrist when applying as it's been said that these are parts of the body which absorbs the oil the speediest.

There's no systematic evidence that aromatherapy is 100 percent effective; however, this does not seem to hamper its inflating popularity over the years. Actually aromatherapy seems to be gaining more ground and attracting more legions of fans in spite of the practice not having the full backing of any clinical study. In aromatherapy, there aren't any bloody operations, or intense medical exams. Instead, expect to have a corrective process fully enveloped in peace and relaxation. Honestly, I believe the healing experience is an important factor as to why folk are attracted to aromatherapy. Aromatherapy brings us into such a healing tranquil state of being that we feel the remedy right away.

We all lead busy, stressful lives - and the stress leads to feeling rundown, exhausted, catching each cough and sniffle that's going round. Using aromatherapy oils is a simple way to calm down, de-stress, and help you body shake off those coughs, colds, discomforts. Learn more about how aromatherapy oils can help you at

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The Use Of Aromatherapy In Treatment Of Migraines

For those of us who suffer from migraines, the onset of a migraine will often result in a lack of productivity at home and at work, and a completely wasted day. It is extremely difficult for us to focus on the task at hand, and we tend to move more slowly. We tend to lose our motivation to do some of the little things that keep us healthy, such as work out, or even to cook a nice meal for the family. Because of this, we are always looking for ways to help get rid of migraines, and preferably in a natural way.

Many doctors agree that aromatherapy, if used properly, can be an excellent complementary therapy for the migraine sufferer. Aromatherapy is not known to actually eliminate migraine headaches, but when used to complement traditional therapy and medication it can help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Aromatherapy is a natural healing alternative that uses plant-derived essential oils to achieve a desired therapeutic effect. It is unknown precisely how aromatherapy works, whether it is the scent or a chemical action of the essential oil itself that provides relief. Because of this unknown factor some physicians worry about potential essential oil interactions with standard drugs used in treating migraines.

When trying aromatherapy to relieve migraines, keep in mind a few safety precautions.

* Always talk to a doctor before trying anything new.

* Speak to an experienced aromatherapist, if possible.

* When combining aromatherapy with other medications, be sure to watch for adverse reactions and report them to a doctor immediately if they occur.

* Buy real plant-derived essential oils designed for aromatherapy. The better products will be sold in dark containers and stored away from direct sunlight.

* Use a carrier oil or aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils can be powerful irritants and should not be applied directly to the skin.

Essential oils can be employed in variety of ways. They can be used in an aromatherapy diffuser and inhaled two or three times daily. The oils may be added to a large bowl of hot water and the aroma inhaled with the eyes closed. While the essential oils can also be added to carrier bath, face, or massage oils and applied to the body or bath, this should only be done after consulting with a knowledgeable aroma therapist.

Some of the essential oils commonly recommended for migraine aromatherapy are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, sandalwood, clary sage, ginger, ylang-ylang, basil, marjoram, and chamomile.

As mentioned, aroma therapy is not a replacement regimen for migraine treatment. However, it can help reduce the symptoms of migraine, and enhance treatment with normal medication. As such, anyone who suffers from migraines should give some thought to employing aroma therapy in their treatment.

A long time sufferer of headaches and migraines, Scott Cole advocates natural treatments for both at

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Aromatherapy and Topical Benefits of Soy Candles

Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that has been around for over 6000 years that uses scents to care for the body. Massages have been a healing tool for thousands of years as well, and candles have been used in health and metaphysical practices as long as fire has been around. These three extraordinary benefits can be found in BodyWise Candles.

Because the aromatherapy blend comes already prepared in the candle it is easy to use. You do not have to have extensive knowledge in essential oils to receive the benefits. All you have to do is light the candle. It releases a faint, yet continuous stream of floral and herbal essential oils into the air. Because they are made of 100% cosmetic grade soy it contains no toxins as many of the paraffin candles do. You will indulge in vapors that enter the respiratory system and ultimately get imbibed into the bloodstream.

The purpose of aromatherapy is to activate the olfactory cells which are actually nerve cells and the only place in the body where the central nervous system is exposed and in direct contact with the environment. It is an oxymoron to have an aromatherapy candle that is made of paraffin. The candle industry doe not require that you disclose ingredients. BodyWise gives full disclosure, but if you are buying another candle, make sure it is natural for if not you really can't be sure what you are putting in your body.

Since BodyWise candles are made of cosmetic grade soy and numerous essential oils and minerals are added to create a luxurious skin lotion you can reap the benefits of a massage as well as topical benefits. Now you are not only receiving olfactory health benefits, but your pores are absorbing the soy and minerals. The benefits of soy are numerous. Soy is an anti-aging agent and is an antioxidant. It also has been known to alleviate menopausal symptoms due to the isoflavones which act as estrogen in the body once absorbed. Add to this the therapeutic healing of touch. Touching is a natural human reaction to pain and stress, and for conveying affection and support. An example is a nice back rub after a hard days work with the relaxing aroma of basil or lavender. It does not get much better than that.

If you are still not sold, you have the flicker of the candle light to set a mood or enhance the ambiance. The mind, body and soul have to be in synchronicity to maximize the health benefits. So much for so little: the aromatherapy, the clean Eco-friendly burn, the massage and all its topical benefits, and alas the glimmer of the flame.

Marco and Isis are owners of and they specialize in custom made personalized scented candles. We will add your text and images to our candles and help you create the perfect gift for any occasion. We print directly on the candle using no messy stickers so your text and images will not peel or rub off. Visit us at

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How to Reignite Your Passion With Essential Oils and the Ha! Breath Airplane Polarity Yoga Exercise

Do you ever wonder sometimes where your passion and enthusiasm went? Did your 'fire' go out? If you are like me, it's easy to get things started, but sometimes the flame dims and it can be difficult to complete what you set out to do. If you need to stoke your fire and need more energy, this article post is for you!

I find that working with essential oils and the five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether from the Polarity Therapy model, are wonderful and effective ways to cultivate and balance energy.

The five elements mentioned above express the rawest form of the basic types of energy that we all have. Through movement, and using essential oils along with consciously directing our energy, we can significantly boost our energy when we need it. And this brings harmony to body, mind, and spirit.

I have found that when I use essential oils in tandem with yoga and energy exercises from Dr. Stone's Polarity Therapy, my whole being shifts. I can find the power and focus I need to bring what I am choosing to create into manifestation.

Fire helps us focus, have confidence, self-discipline, and meet the challenges that seem to block us. According to Polarity principles, the areas in the body where the fire element resides are the solar plexus, the thighs, the head, and the eyes.

The essential oils that I recommend for boosting and harmonizing the fire element are: Transformation, Purification, Live with Passion, Purification, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Sandalwood.

Step 1. Set your intention

Before you begin, take a moment to center and ground yourself. As you are setting your intention for gaining more energy, to increasing your motivation, and or to focusing your actions, place a few drops of your favorite warming and stimulating essential oil in your palms, and inhale the aroma. Place a few drops on your solar plexus which is just between your sternum and belly button. If you have sensitive skin, remember to dilute your essential oils with a blend of fatty vegetable oils.

Step 2. Mountain Pose

Stand with your feet together, arms down by your sides, drawing the arches of your feet upwards. Elongate your spine, draw your tailbone down towards the floor, bring your shoulder blades down your back, lift your chest and widen your collar bones. Gently lift the top of your head toward the ceiling. As you become still, focus on your breath and your intention. Occasionally inhale the scent of the essential oil that you've chosen you chose to work with. Some ideas for your intention might be: "To grow my business," or, "To have more confidence," or "To have more energy to complete ______________." (Fill in the blank with your specific task). You can have a new intention every day, or stay consistent with one intention until it has come to completion.

Step 3. Preparation

Ha! Breath: Stand with feet hip-distance apart, place your hands right over left, with your left palm centered over the diaphragm. As you inhale through your nose, feel your diaphragm expanding. Exhale through your mouth making a loud, staccato "HA!" sound. Feel your diaphragm contracting. Repeat 5-10 times.

Step 4. Execution

HA! Airplane: Find a focal point to look at and allow yourself to settle and relax with your intention in mind. With your feet together, standing tall, bring your arms out to the sides like airplane wings, with your palms facing down. As you inhale three times quickly through your nose, cross your right arm under your left arm, criss-crossing the arms at chest height three times, matching the inhalations with your arm movements. Then bring your arms back out to your sides and rise up onto your tip-toes and exhale through your mouth with a loud and sharp "HA!" Repeat 10 times.

When you are done, I suggest you walk around for a few moments, keeping your energy moving, and then gradually come back to Mountain Pose. Re-connect to your intention and breathe in the essential oils on your palms.

This entire exercise will only take a few minutes, and it can serve as a wonderful pattern disruption when you are feeling stuck, angry, or flighty and all over the map with your thoughts or emotions. I find this exercise really helps my students get clearer and more focused.

Try it and let me know what happens for you!

Visit to learn more about author Tracy Griffiths, who is a Certified and Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Polarity Practitioner, Polarity Educator and Aroma Yoga instructor. Her school, Life Energy Institute/Grace Aroma Wellness, provides continuing education for nurses, acupuncturists and massage therapists and is approved by the Board of Registered Nurses in California, the NCBTMB and the NACCOM. Tracy is also the aromatherapy instructor for Donna Karan's Urban Zen Integrative Therapy Program, a 500 hour training that brings specialized yoga instruction, Reiki and aromatherapy to hospital patients, nurses and other health care providers. She is also the author of Aroma Yoga®: A Guide for Using Essential Oils In Your Yoga Practice.

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What Are Essential Oils and What Are They Used for?

Essential oils, also commonly known as aromatherapy oils are plant extracts, derived mainly by distilling or pressing the plant for its oils or by other methods of extraction. These oils have been used all the way back to hundreds of years ago by our ancestors. They are extremely concentrated, so concentrated that a small bottle of it can easily last you months. This is the reason why most of them are diluted either with other oils or with water. These oils form the basis of the aromatherapy industry, and are so widely used today because of its various health properties. They should not be mistaken with other artificial oils, as most aromatherapy oils are 100% natural and comes directly from the plant associated with it.

They are most commonly used directly on the skin. An allergy test is usually recommended as most of the oils are not hypoallergenic and may cause allergic reactions. This can be done by rubbing a few drops on to the skin and see if any redness or other possible reactions happen. NEVER apply undiluted aromatherapy oils directly onto your skin as it might be too strong and cause irritation or redness.

Besides the skin, aromatherapy oils are also often used for people trying to cope with depression. The most commonly used oil for this is the Cypress. It helps people suffering from depression because of its strong calming and soothing properties. If you get angry easily, the aroma from rose or lavender is excellent as it helps you feel relaxed and calm which helps in controlling your temper.

I have personally used various types of essential oils throughout my life and I can say with extreme confidence that these oils have dramatically improved my quality of life. I use them all the time for all types of purposes - curing infections, cleansing wounds, to relax after a stressful day and even as a perfume! Here are some ways which you can use them:

As a breath freshener. Just mix a few drops of the oil with a cup half filled with water and gargle. Most oils help prevent gum disease caused by bacteria by killing them as an added bonus. Pick an oil which has a scent you like though!
As a disinfectant. Tea tree oil is perfect for this. Its strong antibacterial properties help prevent further infection and kills bacteria. Simply dab some on using a cotton wool and clean the wound gently.
As a mood enhancer. Mix some lavender oil with rose oil or use it by itself if you want and use a diffuser to spread the scent out. Lavender oil is especially effective in helping you to relax and calm your mind.
To relieve headaches or dizziness. Place a few drops of peppermint oil on your fingers and rub it on your temples with slow, circular motions. These help ease the pain and gives a cooling effect.

These are only some of the many ways I use these essential oils for. They are so versatile you can use them for literally any reason - but remember to dilute them if they are already not diluted!

My personal favorite is the jojoba oil. It's basically an all-in-one oil which gives me powerful health benefits. Check it out!

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What You Should Know About Aromatherapy Treatments for Acne

Essential oils offer several anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which make aromatherapy treatments for acne an effective treatment. By providing yourself with a daily massage that includes essential oils you can effectively clear your skin of acne-causing bacteria. Using this tool in your fight against acne effectively promotes blood circulation while playing an active role in stimulating your mood and encouraging relaxation.

Certain aromatherapy treatments work best to target specific areas. One example, lavender oil features many antiseptic qualities. When diluted with witch hazel, lavender oil works effectively to remove problem acne. Lavender tops the list as one of several aromatherapy remedies that inhibit the growth of the bacteria known to cause acne. Jasmine, sandalwood, ylang ylang and myrrh also remain on this list of favorite acne treating essential oils.

Tea tree oil, originally used for first-aid by the Australian army, features many anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. For use in treating acne, mix with aloe vera gel then apply it to clean skin. Once combined with the aloe vera gel, dab it onto the skin on the face, back, or chest, wherever acne occurs with the use of a cotton ball.

When used improperly, essential oils can pose a danger. One common misconception states that anything claiming to be natural will be safe. For topical use, essential oils need dilution. Failing to dilute the oil before applying it to your skin can cause a burn. For people with highly sensitive skin, most doctors and aromatherapists recommend testing the product in an inconspicuous spot prior to the first use. To test, add a single drop of your choice of essential oil to one teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub this mixture into your skin. If you notice any redness, itching, or other irritation, do not use.

To effectively treat acne on the back, combine three or four of the essential oils that are recommended for use with acne and combine them with purified water and aloe vera gel. Add all of the ingredients to a bottle with a pump spray, preferably a dark or amber colored bottle, shake well and spray the mixture on the back.

When used properly, aromatherapy treatments for acne can unclog pores, heal scars and feature amazing antiseptic properties that help to contribute to clear, fresh skin. One of the most popular items used with the essential oil includes jojoba. This carrier oil remains a top choice used to dilute the oils because it effectively moisturizes the skin without blocking pores and without leaving an oily residue behind.

Joann Carlisle is a writer who looks forward to sharing her knowledge and advice with readers. For more on aromatherapy, Hive Health Media informs readers of other essential healing oils and their benefits.

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Essential Oils Are The Best Cure In The World

Essential oils are extracted from plants and created as a natural remedy to many ailments. They are extracted from the leaves, fruit, seeds, roots and other parts of the plant. This gives you the best solution to any problem that is safe and less expensive.

100% Pure

The best oils are of the highest quality and contain no artificial additives. They are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) which is the highest testing available for essential oils. Oils that are of this grade go through extensive gas chromatography and mass spectrometry tests to ensure they are 100% pure.

Essential oils have been around for thousands of years to fix ailments dating back to the Egyptians. But know everyone has access to a wide variety of different oils from the far reaches of the earth. The best plants are grown indigenously in their native countries. Frankincense comes from Oman, Lavender from France, and Lemon in Italy.

Oil Products

Many products use oils in them to make them more natural and safe. Skin care, lifelong wellness, and bath products just to name a few. Essential oils are used in products including lotions, vitality packs, soaps, diffusers, and more.

Frankincense, Melissa, Peppermint, Melaleuca (Tea Tree), Lavender, Lemon, and Wild Orange are just a few of over 30 different plants and oils produced. Each one with its own distinct fragrance and effect.


Aromatherapy is an amazing cure for many internal ailments that many prescription drugs can't fix. Diffusing into the air using cold water and a diffuser makes it possible to bring the healing power of oils to your body and directly to the problem.

Essential oils are also great to be used topically on the skin. Oils placed on top of the stomach can affect the inside and relieve any problems there. Also using oils to cure headaches, mental problems, mood, dieting, skin care, muscles, and many other ailments that affect everyone everyday.

Aromatherapy is one of those things that once you use them you will never look back. It is hard to imagine not having them around and everyday new things are found that I can use them on. They are especially good for children who can't take normal drugs. They will save you money on insurance, doctor's visits, drugs and many things you can't even think of. This is something that can change your life forever and I'm glad it changed mine.

doTERRA essential oils are a great new product that has begun its world wide expansion. Take advantage of this great business opportunity and great product and begin using and selling doTERRA today. You can see more on doTERRA and see a guide to essential oils at

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Dealing With Anxiety Attacks in Children

As an adult, you more than likely have already experienced at least one anxiety attack. You probably had one or more during your childhood, but most adults are not familiar with handling anxiety attacks in children. All of them should be though because children of any age can have attacks of anxiety. When you're a grownup, a panic attack is really scary. Can you imagine a child going through the same ordeal? The purpose of the article below is to make you aware of the key facts about anxiety attacks in children.

It is vitally important that you become aware of the basic facts about panic attacks so you can deal with children who suffer from these anxiety conditions. First of all, young people can have attacks of panic for many different reasons. These reasons are not always the same causative factors that produce bouts of anxiety in adults. Kids sometimes have attacks of panic when they think about going to a particular location. The worry becomes more intense at the thought of having an attack while at this place.

Anxiety attacks in children are not limited to just one specific type of panic disorder. The majority of young people are afflicted with a generalized anxiety condition. The symptom most commonly seen with this condition is constant worry about events that may happen. If your child has a generalized anxiety disorder, he or she may also worry about things that have occurred in the past. This constant worrying is compulsive and uncontrollable.

A good way to help a young individual deal with this disorder is by showing them an assortment of methods they can use to settle down. Your quiet soothing voice can even be used to help them relax. If on your own, you are not able to help your child relax, you might need to seek the services of a professional trained in mental health conditions. These experts can work with both you and your child on using affirmative language to diffuse a panic attack.

Separation anxiety disorder affects many young people. This condition occurs when kids and their families are not together. During this separation, the children often become quite anxious. The situation becomes more intense when the kids are put in a territory to which they are unfamiliar. Separation anxiety disorders often manifest themselves when parents go on trips (even short ones like errands) and vacations and leave the young ones behind.

The best way to deal with this type of anxiety attacks in children is to spend time beforehand letting the kids know that all will be well while you are gone. It will help the children to understand that you will return as quickly as you can, and that leaving them temporarily does not alter your love for them.

In some cases, you might have to leave the little ones behind frequently at first so they will get used to you leaving and returning. Sadly, anxiety attacks in children occur quite often, but knowing how to deal with them can lessen their severity and even eliminate them completely.

If you want to learn more about dealing with anxiety attacks effectively, visit Medicine for Anxiety Attacks and get all your questions answered while you read anxiety-related articles. Bing Wang has written many more articles on anxiety and they can be found at Best Anxiety Solution.

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Using Aromatherapy Oils To Feel Better: Discover The Fundamentals of Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy and essential oils are nothing new. In fact, the idea of aromatherapy has been employed for hundreds of years. It might not have been called this precise name, but the idea of using smells to change the body and mind is something which has been done throughout history. This concept is something that may not be rooted in deep science, but the proof is in all of the folk who've profited from the method.

Aromatherapy products must contain essential oils. Important oils are all natural. They don't contain anything synthesised. When employed in products the level of oils used must be acceptable to use the way that it is structured. Products used for this purpose include soaps, candles, lotions, body oils and oils that are used with an infuser that puts them into the air. Products could be used for the home or for the body. It's really important to note that aromatherapy products aren't controlled, so basically any company can put the word aromatherapy on their products even if they don't seem to be a real product. You have to read labels and discover what the ingredients are before purchasing products for this use.

Essential oils in any form can be used for many things. You can use them to create a calmer home environment. You may use them to make a room or area of your house more relaxing. You may use them in body care products so you've got the lasting effects throughout the day.

Aromatherapy is generally used to help in treating mental and physical conditions. The essential oils may be employed to help in alleviating stress and induce relaxation. They can be employed to help to lessen the results of conditions like asthma. You can also use them to assist in easing body pains.

When you are using essential oils it is really important to employ them correctly. You've got to watch out about using oils you're not familiar with. Always teach yourself about an oil before you use it. You'll do research on your own or talk with a pro. You would like to make sure that the oils won't cause a side effect, like an allergic response or that the oil isn't harmful.

Some oils may not work for people with certain conditions or allergies. Some aromatherapy oils are also annoying when used immediately on the skin. Just because you have seen an oil used in an aromatherapy product does not necessarily imply you can safely use it on yourself. It is always best to be careful and do your preparation first.

Aromatherapy can perform wonders for your mind and body. After you start doing it you will spot the changes. You can use aromatherapy products and essential oils everyday if you would like. You can make them part of your day. The advantages from aromatherapy have authorized many of us to chill, be happier and to overcome some health and psychological issues they have fought with. You might be just as lucky if you choose to start trying aromatherapy in your life.

We all lead busy, stressful lives - and the stress leads to feeling rundown, knackered, catching every cough and sniffle that's going round. Aromatherapy is a straightforward way to unwind, de-stress, and help you body shake off those coughs, colds, pains. I hope you enjoy reading, and find some handy info to help you select and use the right aromatherapy oils for you.

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Aromatherapy and Women in Recovery

Once a month I volunteer in a home for women in recovery, part of my aromatherapy seva and one of the more rewarding things that I do with essential oils. It was pretty obvious when I showed up last Thursday that almost all of the women in my class were suffering from major anxiety. Anxiety is very often one of the symptoms associated with people in recovery, and one of the easiest symptoms to change with the inhalation of key essential oils.

Very few of the women could sit still, nor could they resist the urge to talk out and talk over each other and me. So I quickly passed out some lavender oil, giving them each a few drops in the palm of their hands and instructing them to massage the oils into the back of their necks. I then asked them to cup their hands over their noses and inhale deeply three times. There was only one woman who did not like the smell, turning up her nose and letting us all know, in no uncertain terms, that the fragrance was most unbecoming to her. Everyone else seemed to really like the fragrance, and immediately begin to soften their edges.

Lavender is one of the most calming of all the oils and I like to start my sessions with lavender, as it begins to relax the central nervous system, which is why I like to massage it directly onto the neck, so as to penetrate immediately into the central nervous system which extends along the side of the spine. It takes a few minutes for that action to occur, but it is not too long after that I can perceive a subtle shift in the energy, with it dropping down a few degrees. The inhalation serves to calm the portion of the brain associated with stress, not only the mental processes that spin wildly with thoughts, but also the emotional centers which process our thoughts and hold onto feelings, happy, sad, depressed, etc.. In addition to the emotional centers, the portion of the brain that is responsible for addiction, is directly affected by the olfactory system.

We then got into smelling some frankincense, to help activate a more pronounced awareness of the Divine. Everyone knew of frankincense, mostly from religious memory, but they all seemed quite fascinated to hear the stories of frankincense and the power of frankincense to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Frankincense is most widely known as one of the oils that was a gift to baby Jesus, as there was knowledge in that time of frankincense and its ability to connect one to a God state, or keep that connection to the Divine ever present. The energy level of the room began to soften and become quieter, with more smiles beginning to surface on the women's faces.

The next oil in the arsenal was that of sweet orange, which never fails to draw a smile, and is known as one the best oils to induce joy and happiness to the heart. I spoke a little about orange oil and how it is produced from the peels of oranges, and then let the women have a direct experience from the oil. They all got smiles and grins on their faces, and I told them that orange oil is one of the best oils for depression as well. It is a happy, light and sweet fragrance and over the many years of using orange oil, I have watched it predictably produce the results of joy and happiness whenever people inhale of the sweet fragrance.

We finished the class smelling cedarwood, an oil that brings strength and courage to the emotional part of our being, and grounding to the body. It seemed a fitting close to the afternoon, as these women face an arduous road to recovery, and they need all the courage they can get. Cedarwood was a favorite for the day, not only for the fragrance, but because they all felt better after smelling it. By the time the class was over, no one was interrupting, and most everyone was smiling, headaches were gone, and for a brief moment in time, so was the stress, anxiety and worry. If only for a few moments, it is so worth the small amount of time it takes to inhale a few oils. Just imagine a time when essential oils could become standard protocol for all people who were in a state of recovery and healing...

Allison Stillman is a world renowned aromatic alchemist and the author of "The Sacred Art of Anointing".
She has been traveling the world sharing her passionate love for anointing with essential oils, teaching workshops and creating alchemical blends of anointing oils.
She has been featured in the book, "More Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Soul" by Arielle Ford, and "Insights from the Coffeehouse" by Jonathon Collins, and has written numerous articles for magazines and newspapers.
She is currently at work creating a frankincense farm to protect and sustain the species for future generations.
You can reach Allison Stillman on her website:

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Healing Harmonies: The Two Bachs

What's in a name? Oddly enough, the two historical figures who have been most important to me in recent years both had the same surname - Bach. After leaving my career as a medical doctor I studied natural therapies and became a Bach flower practitioner, using the series of remedies discovered by Edward Bach. And, as a very amateur singer and pianist, I became strongly drawn to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Did these two men have anything in common except their name? Though they were born 200 years apart in different countries, and worked in different fields, both were concerned with the use of vibrational harmony to uplift the human spirit.

Johann Sebastian Bach was born on 21 March 1685 in what is now Germany. In German, the word 'bach' means 'a brook' and is phonetically pronounced 'bahk'. He is widely regarded as the greatest composer who ever lived, and was described by Beethoven as 'the immortal god of harmony'. Musical harmony, which involves the combination of simultaneously sounded notes to produce chords with a pleasing effect, can be regarded as the 'vertical' component of a piece whereas melody is the 'horizontal' one. Bach himself is quoted as follows: 'The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul'. Most people find that listening to Bach induces positive feelings such as joy, peace and the sensation of 'flow'. Along with those of other classical composers, the works of Bach are often used in music therapy and can bring many mental and physical benefits including reduction in anxiety and pain, and improvements in cardiovascular physiology and in various measures of endocrine and immune function.

Edward Bach was born on 24 September 1886 in England. His ancestry was Welsh, and 'bach' in Welsh means 'little'. He pronounced his surname 'batch'. After some years as an orthodox physician, he gave up his successful practice and devoted his life to natural healing. He was among the pioneers of the 'holistic approach' and the short books in which he describes his philosophy, Heal Thyself for example, have become classics. Bach believed that harmony in mind and spirit was key to physical wellbeing, and wrote 'Health depends on being in harmony with our souls'. His series of 38 flower essences have no chemical content, but are believed to carry the energetic imprints of the life force of different plants each corresponding to a positive quality of mood or personality. Unlike the vibrations of musical sound, the vibrations of flower essences cannot be measured by conventional scientific instruments, and their mode of action is not known. All the same, the Bach flower essences have been used all over the world for 80 years, and the responses observed in my own practice have left me in no doubt that they work. Clients say they feel calmer, happier and more in control of their lives, and their physical symptoms frequently improve.

Jennifer Barraclough is a graduate of Oxford University Medical School and practiced for many years as a medical doctor in England before moving to New Zealand and becoming a Bach flower therapist and life coach. She has authored or edited several previous books including 'An Outline of Modern Psychiatry' 'Cancer and 'Emotion' and 'Enhancing Cancer Care', and published a number of research papers. She lives in Auckland with her husband and cats.

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Using Aromatherapy to Balance the Chakras

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel of light". There are seven chakras, each representing a different spiritual energy center in our bodies that transmits and receives energy to and from Spirit (aka God, the Universe etc.). When your chakras are out of balance, your physical and emotional health is affected. Aromatherapy can be used as one of the methods to balance the chakras and help you return to a peaceful, happy and healthy state of being. In this article, I will talk about the areas of the body that each chakra governs, characteristics of a balanced and unbalanced chakra, the essential oils that can be used in aromatherapy to help balance the chakra and some examples of how to easily incorporate these in your everyday life.

The Root Chakra

Color Correspondence: Red
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Cloves

The Root Chakra is the first or base chakra. It connects our spirit to our body as well as our body to Mother Earth. It is located at the bottom of the spine. The root chakra governs our instincts of survival or self-preservation. Certain aspects of our personalities are attributed to this primordial chakra such as the feelings of safety and security as well as primal sexual urges. When the root chakra is balanced, we feel grounded, healthy and full of life, active, energetic, able to accomplish tasks, we feel that life is abundant, happy and we're sexually healthy. At times though, the root chakra may be thrown out of balance due to unexpected circumstances such as the death of a loved one. Such events have a way of turning our world inside out and it's no surprise that our chakras will be thrown off balance along with everything else. When the root chakra is out of balance, one may feel afraid, victimized, disconnected from oneself and is prone to violent outbursts.

The Sacral Chakra

Color Correspondence: Orange
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, Sage, Bergamot

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra and it is located just below the belly button in the lower abdominal area. The sacral chakra governs our emotions and sexuality. A person with a balanced sacral chakra enjoys a wonderful sexual energy as well as a great awareness for their emotions. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, you may feel either too emotional or needy all the time or on the other end of the spectrum, be totally disconnected from people and emotionally unavailable. Other signs of an imbalance include sexual dysfunction, infidelity and fear of intimacy.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Color Correspondence: Yellow
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Rose, Myrrh, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Chamomile, and Rosemary

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the third chakra and it is located above the belly button in the upper abdominal area, below the chest. The solar plexus chakra governs our sense of self, our self-esteem and the development of personal power. When the solar plexus chakra is out of balance we experience low self-esteem, fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, self-image fears and indecisiveness.

The Heart Chakra

Color Correspondence: Green or Pink
Essential Oils: Citrus Essential Oils (Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, etc.), Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Rose and Lavender

The Heart Chakra is the fourth chakra and it is located in the chest. The heart chakra is all about love and healing. Painful situations that can wound this chakra are divorce or separation, death of a loved one, emotional abuse, abandonment or adultery. When the heart chakra is out of balance we experience feelings of grief, depression, loneliness and we are unable to freely express love.

The Throat Chakra

Color Correspondence: Blue
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Spearmint, Chamomile, Bergamot and Basil

The Throat Chakra is the fifth chakra and it is located in the neck, throat and ears. The throat chakra governs our ability to communicate effectively as well as to listen and understand others. When the throat chakra is out of balance, one may experience difficulty expressing themselves, repress feelings and experience poor learning ability. Other symptoms of an imbalance include habitual lying, feelings of fear, doubt and uncertainty.

The Third Eye Chakra

Color Correspondence: Indigo
Essential Oils: Patchouli, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Vetiver, Cypress and Juniper

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra and it is located on the forehead between the eyebrows. The third eye chakra governs our ability to use common sense, intelligence, wisdom, interpret dreams, spirituality and intuition. When the third eye chakra is out of balance, one may lack intuition, common sense, be forgetful, have sleep issues and suffer from confusion.

The Crown Chakra

Color Correspondence: White/Violet
Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose and Sandalwood

The Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra. Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra helps us connect and communicate with Spirit. When the crown chakra is out of balance you may feel like you are lacking creativity and disconnected spiritually. You may become very materialistic, stuck in past pain, and worried about the future. Focusing on material possessions may be your way to feel complete.

I hope you have enjoyed learning about the chakras and the characteristics of each, their color correspondence and essential oils that can be used for balance. If you feel that any of your chakras are unbalanced, the use of aromatherapy along with meditation can help achieve balance once again.

Here are some simple ways you can use aromatherapy to help balance your chakras.

•Take a bath or shower with products made with the essential oils that are tuned into the specific chakra.
•Use a tissue with a few drops of the desired essential oil and breathe deeply focusing on balance.
•Burn incense during meditation.
•Wear clothes or jewelry of the color correspondence of the chakra while you focus on creating balance and harmony.


Day Evans is the owner of The Bath Fairy Shop, an online boutique offering unique organic and natural bath and body products. Visit the shop at

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How to Calm Kids During a Storm

After 17 days straight of 90+ degree temperatures, with very little rain, if any, we had a thunderstorm this morning. It was a severe thunderstorm with high winds and lots of thunder and lightning. The electric went off and on 4 times, but then went off and stayed that way for a couple hours. It was early around 7am and the sky was so dark it looked like nighttime. These are the types of storms that can make you nervous, because you never know when they might spawn a tornado. And some people are just downright afraid of storms. A lot of kids and even pets, especially dogs, are very afraid of storms.

Both my grandsons are afraid of storms, especially Tyler. They have had a few times where severe weather caused them to go to the lower level of their house and took part of a tree down in their back yard. They were even in a store with their mom once during a tornado warning and could not leave for a time.

When the boys were younger, they wanted to look out the window during a storm and we would have to get them away explaining the danger. But now that they are a little older and have experienced a few storms, they become afraid.

What can you do?

Of course staying informed if possible, about the current weather conditions as they happen can help keep you safe. But even if the storm does not result in any damage to life or property, the emotional strain caused by the fear is quite enough.

One of the things that I use to cope with any sort of emotional upset, fear or trauma is essential oils. Many of them have properties that calm and soothe the nervous system. And I only use what I know works and that is genuine, authentic essential oils like Young Living Essential Oils . Tangerine and orange are two of my favorites and well as favorites of my grandsons. They are powerful for promoting relaxation and calming nerves.

Lavender essential oil is excellent for all kinds of stressful situations. You don't need to use all of them at once. Just choose one of them. Put a couple drops in your hands, rub together in a clockwise fashion and take several deep breaths of the oil. You can also put a drop of the soles of the feet as well. Repeat if necessary.

If it is you that has fear of storms, apply the essential oils to yourself first. There are two reasons for this. For instance, when traveling by airplane and something happens that you need the oxygen mask, who are you instructed to put the mask on first? Yes, yourself! And why? Because in order to help other people, you must help yourself first. It's the same here, you need to become calm and more relaxed in order to help someone else. Secondly, in applying the oils to yourself first, it not only calms you down but you actually become like a human diffuser, meaning others can immediately get the benefits of the aroma coming from you.

After taking care of yourself, then help your kids, pets and others by doing the same thing. Organic essential oils are safe to apply to children's feet. Just one drop applied to the sole of each foot should be enough. Also let them inhale it.

If you have dogs, you can put the oils in your hands as I described and lightly brush them over their coat and also apply a drop or so on the pads of their feet.

If you know in advance that stormy weather is in the forecast, have the oils ready. You can actually start using them before bad weather arrives. This way it lessens the stress and trauma. I personally have oils all over my house and carry several with me in my purse. I am never without my essential oils!

Carol is an essential oil educator and a certified reflexologist. As a distributor of Young Living Essential Oils, she teaches the importance of using genuine, authentic essential oils for health and healing. She has been an advocate of natural health and wellness for the past 35 years. For more information and tips about Young Living Essential Oils, visit and her Free Report, 7 Days of 7 Oils That Will Change Your Life!

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