Essential Oils - What Are Their Uses in Skin Care?

Properties of the essential oils that are beneficial to our skin are as follows.

They are anti-septic, stimulate and regenerate cell growth, assist with wound healing, improve circulation and muscle tone, aid in reducing inflammation, stop itching, improve the integrity of your skin and regulate sebum production.

To gain the most benefit from your skin care it is important to use high quality ingredients.

The environment in which they are kept is important, stored in a cupboard or drawn away from direct sunlight, with an even temperature. I keep my raw products in a cooler.

It is very important to have the correct dilutions and combinations of essential oils to achieve your desired result and so that they do not work against each other. If you are unsure consult with a fully qualified Aromatherapist.

You can have your skin care custom made to suit your specific condition.

Acne is a very common condition and I have had very good results using specific essential oils. There are a variety of causes that produce acne and it is important to understand what the cause is and address it. Some of the symptoms are inflammation, pain, skin sensitivity, depression and low self esteem. Essential oils are excellent for reducing scarring and as you can see the effects of acne are more than skin deep.

Surgical scars can most certainly be reduced dramatically with the applications of specific essential oils for example Rose, Frankincense and Myrrh. These oils are exceptional for a healthy, glowing skin. Frankincense and Myrrh are natural skin preservatives and keep your skin looking younger.

First aid using essential oils

How many times have you burnt yourself while cooking or stoking a fire? For myself I always reach for Lavender! It is exceptional and can be applied directly onto a minor burn, preferably straight away and several times after, you will experience an immediate response. The pain and scarring is reduced, often there will be no scarring. Cold water and Ice are important to use if you have a more than a minor burn as the cooler temperature assists in preventing your skin from cooking. Do not hesitate to go to hospital if you have a serious burn.

Insect bites, I am everyone's mosquito repellent, much to my disappointment, they drive me crazy and all I can say is thank goodness for essential oils like Patchouli, Lavender and German Chamomile! These oils stop itching as they are anti-pruritic, reduce inflammation. For those of us that are sensitive and have nasty reactions they aid in the healing of my skin. I carry Patchouli with me everywhere I go for emergency first aid. I recommend it be in your first aid kit along with Tea tree and Lavender.

Minor cuts and abrasions can be treated easily and very effectively through topical applications and sprays.

We know how painfully itchy and uncomfortable measles and chickenpox are, Yes?

Using an essential oil blend as a body spray and in the bath prevented my daughter from scratching herself raw. She does not have one scar!

There are dozens of conditions and symptoms of the skin that are treated successfully ending with excellent results. To learn more about how Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils can support and heal your skin, talk to a qualified Aromatherapist.

I invite you to join me on Facebook where you will receive tips, recipes and inspiration on Aromatherapy.
Julie Nelson
Aromatique Essentials

Original article

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